I'm really glad you had the vaccine, Satcomer.

It should help protect not just you but those around you, where we won't know everyone's circumstances (e.g. some could be vulnerable). So this helps not just the person getting vaccinated, but the wider community too.
People have different experiences, depending on what they received and possibly also when too (different countries are using different time spacings for the vaccines). The Pfizer vaccine seems to be relatively fine for the first jab, but a bit rougher for the second. The AstraZeneca vaccine seems to be the other way round.
When I had mine, I had a sore arm and seemed otherwise fine during the same day. The next day, I felt a little spaced out during the morning. It was almost exactly like jet lag from a long haul flight. In the afternoon, I felt like I really needed a nap and it was the weekend, so I went ahead. I ended up sleeping for a few hours and had a temperature, but the next day I was back to normal.
It really was not bad at all and certainly nothing to worry about! I would also very gladly take that reaction to the vaccination if it means a level of protection from the real thing, so that any infection should be much less severe...