Hello everyone!

ok Jerry, i made a mistake. when isaw it before it was frozen on the last frame - the nummi G4 at the bottom. today i saw it in full animation and i do like it better. :)

sorry for the misguided criticism.

see, i knew you could come up with something good:D
Kaylee and Mo have been best friends since first grade. They are very close. Fine... wait untill you think it is right. Just don't wait too long.
Rick - you definitly need to get out more and to learn to socialize and be closer with more people. It is a healthy thing to do. Friends are good things to have more of.

hope things continue to go well with Mo. sounds like they are so far. best of luck.

sorry i don't have more to say, but i am trying to get to bed soon and i have to be up at 8 am for the guy who is resurfacing our kitchen cabinets. that is turning into a long story of its own.:rolleyes:
I am getting out more.... with Mo. (which is short for Maureen... just making sure you dont think im gay:D ) She has introduced me to a lot of her friends.

Its ok Ed. When ever you have the time you can come back... im just glad that me and Jerry arent the only ones posting in here.
well Rick, when i first met my GF i wasn't too fond of several of her friends and even less fond of her family. The friend i dsliked the most became a very good friend after we had been together for about a year or so. I also learned to like most of the others as i got to know them and they got to know me better. her family is a different matter. after nearly 10 yrs together, we still basically tolerate each other. We havelearned to act civil around each other at best. of course, she isn't real fond of most of her family either and enjoys being 3000 miles away from them. Her family out here (cousins and aunts) are a different story. They are great and we really enjoy them. and they treat me like family.

points of the story - keep an open mind about her friends. she obviously sees something in them so there is probably more to them than meets your eye. Of course some of them will probably turn out to be as bad as you percieve, but she needs to see that on her own. with time people and situations change. if you want to be with her, you must expect to put up with all the other epople who like her too. one of the major factors in the breakup of my marriage was that i would often 'pass' on going out with her when she was going to be with certain friends. It turned out to be more alienating of us than anything else.

oh and congrats on 'going steady':)
Go for it! She will never know.... ahahahaha!

Anyways... no girlfriend this weekend... she has too much shat to do... same with me.:(
do you mean a wet tongue french kiss or a slow, sweet romantic one with lots of lip cuddling? I can remember the former vividly. I was 12 and didn't know what was going on but i sure liked it!! As for the later, i do not remember it, but it must have been with my 8th grade girlfriend. I do remeber the way my first 'real' girlfriend kissed and the long hours we used to spend doing so. I was 17 and she was 16.

Cherish these moments Rick, they don't last forever.;)
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Do any fo you guys remember what your first real kiss was like...

In junior high we had a school dance in the gym. The gym had these fold out bleachers that they used for basketball games. We were way up at the top where it was real dark.

In that case I think we did it more because of our friends telling us to and not because we were ready. In the end I suspect she was not any more interested in guys than I was in girls. ;)

I bet we'd have a great laugh about it now.

I guess we can't all have the perfect first kiss. :o
I am doing my best to enjoy every moment of every day that I am with her. I wish things like this would last forever. As soon as we graduate high school, we will be thrown out into the real world. Which I believe the majority of us kids arent ready for. We will lose pretty much all of our friends and have to start from scratch. I dont want this. I hate change, even though I know its coming I fear it.

I wish we could be kids forever. We would always have someone to take care of us when we are sick... or if we are in a jam and need some money. Our family and friends will be there for us.

I have trouble making friends now. Whats is going to be like in a few years? I have to get all new friends. Right now I cant imagine a day without my friends and especially my girlfriend. Thinking about all this gets me really depressed. I wish it could all be simpler... but sadly thats not how it works. We all must leave the nest and learn to fly on our own eventually.

Well... thats my deep thinking today. I have to get back to my research paper for US History, and my term paper for English. Freaking Middle East crap. Why do I need to write about this crap?

Weeeee... 5 hours straight on the computer! and on the internet.... wow my parents are gonna kill me! We seriously need a second phone line up in here.

Well later gentleman! oh Jerry... dont forget about your email.
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty

JERRY! Whats with the new addition to your avatar?

Have fun at your "West Side Story"!:D Tell us how it went.

that is Hexley! The Darwin mascot.

we did not see it... it was sold out. So we bought tickets for sunday... which is now today, 5 minutes ago.
Thats all you have to say? Are you joking? Talk more retard! Tell us about you first meaningful kiss dude. We are all ears!:D
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Thats all you have to say? Are you joking? Talk more retard! Tell us about you first meaningful kiss dude. We are all ears!:D

whoa there Rick... I thought you hated all the mushy girlfriend stuff I was talking about. what happened... maybe Jerry was right? eh eh? Mine was in the back of my Dad's truck at a movie theater. hehe. my car died that night and he had to pick us up at 11:30... at night!
Ahhh yes... thats right... you slipped and fell on your ass. Didnt you? HA HA!:D

Hey when you did that crap you did it so you would make me sick and want to puke all over. Now that you cant rub it in we can talk about this stuff. If you dont want to you can always go away.:)
i never rubbed it in! I never said: hahahaha, I have a girlfriend you don't. ha ha ha ha ha ha. But I know you would... because you have ego pouring out of your ass.
That is SOOOO not true! You wouldnt have kept telling me if you didnt know how much it annoyed me. AND I DONT HAVE EGO POURING OUT MY ASS! You want me to stop? Fine! Conversation over. Lets move onto another topic. You pick, "Oh wise one!"
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
That is SOOOO not true! You wouldnt have kept telling me if you didnt know how much it annoyed me. AND I DONT HAVE EGO POURING OUT MY ASS! You want me to stop? Fine! Conversation over. Lets move onto another topic. You pick, "Oh wise one!"

i did not talk about it because I knew it annoyed you! but if out positions were switched, you would have had a great time talking about it.

BULL SHIT you don't have ego pouring out of your ass.

new topic.. king shit of everything.
What kind of topic is THAT! What crawled up your ass! I am not the king shit of everything. You brought this up. I tried to finish it, but you won't let it go!

How mature... now you leave me hanging on AIM... I think someone is having a hissy fit!:D