Hello everyone!

jerry - it's ok. no hard feelings.:)

rick - cute. i think it would be really hard to make this decision. i think i would just have to get the first one i fell in love with. i couldn't bear the thought that there might be another who might suffer from my choice. i would want to save them all.

as for coming across as a "homo", don't worry. We have a clear perception of your sexual orientation. there would be nothing wrong if you were gay, and there is nothing wrong that you aren't. be secure with what you are and let other deal with their own fears of sexuality.

that being said, i can remember this being a very touchy subject with me at your age as well. It is part of normal development i think. the important thing is that we think of you as someone we like. who cares whether you even have sex or not? (outside of you, that is:D )
Herve i think that depends. sometimes being alone is great. being alone all the time sucks. being with somebody all the time sucks. we need a good balance of alone time and together time. the problems really arise when people are afraid of being alone or being with others. then they don't seek balance.:)
When I grow up, I want to be like Ed.

Very wise is he. Im serious! You must have spent a long time learning about all this stuff. I guess school has a point after all.

Well to end any suspisions, I am not gay. Im ok with someone who is gay, just as long as they keep it to themselves. There is one kid I know who is openly gay, I would have no problem with it if he didnt talk about it all the time. I mean I really dont care how many times he has had sex with men. There is a time and a place for everything, and when Im eating my lunch in school is neither. Ok, im done.

Well today my choices were narrowed down to 2. One of the dogs that I checked out again has a tape worm and sheds like it nobodies business. My mom said, "no f-ing way" 1 down 2 to go. This wasnt the dog picture I showed you already. That one is the one I know nothing about.

I often am finding myself more alone. Everyday I find myself drifting farther and farther away from people I have known all my life. What can you do, right? Ho hum, poor Richard.

Dass ist alles fur dieses Nacht!:)
Rick, I hope by the time you are my age you know more than i do now. I see no reason you shouldn't . You're good at making mistakes. which means you get plenty of opportunities to learn what not to do. I have a long list of these kind of learning experiences. At 44, i have got you beat in shear numbers of chances to make mistakes and learn a little from them.

as for being around gays, i tend to take the same stance you describe. I have, and have had, many friends who are gay. the majority of them just act like people around me. yes, they talk about liking each other and make an occasional sexual joke, but normally with taste. Others seem to carry a big chip around on their shoulders and are always trying to impress people with how different they are and want to talk trashy sex and such. I tend to gravitate away from such people. of course i tend to gravitate away from anybody that makes too big a deal of themselves and has a smut mouth all the time.:D
as for what you can do about being alone - you have choices. the basic list of choices being to accept it , to change it or to ignore it. either of the first two choices can be healthy. to change it is usually healthier in this case. but ignoring it and complaining the way things are is no fun at all.

one option is to accept it for now and focus on getting into college. then things will be much easier to change if you want. college can be very social. my first attempt at college was so social i had to drop out eventually. I spent the next 12 years being overly social.

Wow! I feel smarter just by reading what you write. Who needs real people interaction? Thats why we have the internet, so we can take advise from faceless people, and feel welcome in a community of stangers.;)

Hey, who are you calling strange?:D

and i have a face. i look a lot like my avatar which is a self portrait. and if you haven't already seen it, my pics are linked here.

you can now make fun of my face, my hair, my hairline, my clothes and my choice in women. but you cannot call me faceless.:p

(of course you might think i am stranger than you did before , but that's another issue:D :rolleyes: )

anychance we will ever see a pic of you other than your good side?;)

you too Jerry - how about a pic of your mug?
Give me a chance to find one. I have to alter it a bit maybe. You know... blurred or pixel-ated face... like on "Cops".:D I honestly dont know if there is one around. But if I find it, I will post it immediatly.

In other news:
I found a job. I will be grounds keeper at Kirtland Hills Country Club. $7.50-$8.00 an hour. Not bad.:) Things are begging to look up.:D
i specifically asked everyone not to call me Mr. Spruiell !!:mad:

Ed will do.

i guess you would have to ask him if it is ok with him. it is his privacy and should be his choice as to how he reveals himself if at all.

so who are you broknhartd? with only 6 posts and being from the same area as these guys, i asume you didn't come here for the tech talk:D

so rick - congrats on the job. that isn't bad money for a high school student at all. hope you get enough hours of work to have plenty of money and enough hours off to have some fun with your summer.:)

Jerry - you still there?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

--so who are you broknhartd? with only 6 posts and being from the same area as these guys, i asume you didn't come here for the tech talk:D

Jerry - you still there?

-- It's ok Ed... we do not know who this person is either. Yes, I am still alive.
Yes, working will be so much fun.;) I guess it will be a reason to get out more. That is until I find that "special someone." HA!:) Whatever...

Anyways... BroknHartd goes to our school, even though we still have no idea who he/she is. They are keeping it a suprise for some reason or another.

Jerry is alive!... barely. He better get going on his school work. He is screwing himself over by "procrastinating", he has a big term paper coming up.:)

I've seen you before Ed. Maybe in a dream.:) no wait.:(

Have a good day!
"with only 6 posts and being from the same area as these guys, i asume you didn't come here for the tech talk"


I find the tech talk a little boring. I just wanted to see what these guys are up to .


(Hug). : )
How about this, I know who you guys are and I'm in Mrs Kegg's class.

Besides Rick looked right at me today (but didn't say "hi", but what less is new).
wow Jerry, we have something else in common - procrastination. no sense in doing today what you might not even need to do tomorrow, right?:p

i really wish i could beat my tendency to procrastinate. it is my real stumbling block sometimes. it has helped me dig a few of my own graves over the course of time.

so rick, do you usually say "hi" to the girls or guys that you know and look at? i would have thought you to be pretty outgoing and extroverted. of course i am sure there are people you don't get along with. we all have them.

broknhartd - do you like these guys or not?
I usually try to be nice to people... when I know who they are. This is just kinda weird... do you want me to say hi so everyone until I find him or her. I guessing her, but I could be wrong.

There are very few people I cant get along with. Thats just because thay manage to piss me off in some way or another.

So..um...Brokn... what does Mrs. Kegg teach? I have never heard that name before.
i have no idea how you should try to figure out who 'it' is. sorry broknhartd, but that's the best i can do for someone who is unidentified. i have enough problems with guys whose names sound like girls' names, so until i know which you are, 'it' will have to do.

so i should have my salad garden planted tomorrow. i hope i can actually get some of it to grow. this will be my first time trying to grow lettuce and cauliflower. unfortunately my gf wouldn't let me use the prime sun spot in the yard. so i will just have to hope it works anyway.:)

so Rick, don't you guys live in a little town where damn near everybody knows everybody else? such small communities always have certain people that just don't get along with anybody. i always thought that was the tough part of small town life. ( i lived in a pretty small place the first 12 yrs of my life)

Why does it feel like sat. nite rather than fri.? must be because the site was down and i spent extra time outside - more like weekend hours.:p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
so Rick, don't you guys live in a little town where damn near everybody knows everybody else?

No WAY. Mentor is huge. Our high school is second/largest high school in ohio.