Herve's Bar & Grill

Actually, this is page 133. Or not. It all depends on whatever you've got your prefs set to. But while macko's offering, mine's a pint!! Anyone else? And one at a time please!!!
Damn daylight savings time!
I lost an hour of my life :eek: --- one less hour to do homework :p --- the good thing is that I had a good (yet weird dream) that seems to have given a nice lighting to my day ... I also feel very rested...now all I need is frappŽ, and tismey our good bartender can take care of that :D ---

SO how is everyone today ?

i played halo all night and i feel wasted, im 8 megs away from win2000 for vpc and its goin at 2.1 kbps... im now goin out of my mind, i pay money for cable for it to go fast damn it!!!!
That's another thing I love about Arizona -- no daylight savings time...

And since themacko is buying -- something with a little caffeine, if you please, Tismey.

plex, why are you going to be macless? Are you going to be completely disconnected from the world, or just without a mac?
Just without a mac. My dad is going on a business trip to boston and He is taking our ibook. I still have a crappy old pc though... :(
Originally posted by nkuvu
That's another thing I love about Arizona -- no daylight savings time...
That's one of the things I hate about daylight savings time... Not every state has it! (Note I'm criticizing DST and not Arizona.)

We have offices in several states, but dealing with our Tuscon offices is a pain. I never know what time it is there... And trying to set up meeting in Outlook is voodoo...
Originally posted by googolplex
Just without a mac. My dad is going on a business trip to boston and He is taking our ibook...(
Happiness is not having to share your computer with anyone! :)

Triple-happiness is having 3 networked computers that all belong to you! :D
Well, you could use all three for SETI, or you could use Apple Remote Desktop or Timbuktu to control all three or once. Or you could get up and walk to another one while another one does something else. Who doesn't want three computers? :-p