Herve's Bar & Grill

vic I think I will keep it up a few more weeks :p
I like it when people get upset cause I dont talk to them hehehe (Ed is there a term in psychology for that ? :p) -- then I will talk ;)

I am in my 4th year in CS
At the moment I am taking Advanced data structures in C (yuck, C, I hate C! -- have HW due on tues, need to start tonite!) and I am also taking discreet maths (which isnt that bad, theory I dont mind so long as I keep away from calculus).

I am literally looking at the course catalog for next semester and I think I will be taking Database Models, UI design and computation theory (or instead oc comp theory I will take Higher level languages).

One more year left :D (2 more semesters actually, four courses).
Then I am scott free. I am debating the MA in CS for now. I am thinking og taking a side road and do an MBA with MIS background for now, then re-evaluate CS.

Advanced data structures. In C. Now I understand why you hate C so much. :) I'm assuming you mean things like hash tables, binary trees, red-black trees, etc. When I did that kind of stuff it was in C++, so things were a lot easier (made classes and used templates and all that fun stuff).

Please take UI design. :) There are so many programs out there that need a kick in the pants for their UI. The class (at least my class) wasn't very exciting, but I learned a lot, and I still use the principles for every program I write. At work, there is a program that is in use, which is one of those kinds of programs which the professor brings in and shows to the class. And then rips it up. "They did this wrong, this is put together poorly, this should be like that...." etc. UI Design wasn't my first clue that Windows needed improving (my first clue was having to re-install the OS one week after buying it :p ) but it was a good indicator of everything that Microsoft did wrong with the UI.

Tuesday? Heck, you have plenty of time. That's what caffeine is for, anyway. To stay up all night the night before to hack out your programs. :D
Have you noticed that by clicking on the post count for this thread in the B&G forum, your get an eye-opening ranking of who's posted most in this thread? Apparantly, Ed leads with 247 (not bad) with the incomparable AdimralAK a massive 80 posts behind... (Bernie now at a pathetic 1)

I think you should be... er... proud. yes. :o)

Bernie :o)
Hey cool, I never noticed that! Woo, 10th place. It's strange how Herve is only in 8th place with 90 posts at his own B&G...
i just saw a commercial for Blade II... saying that it was the "most original action thriller in years." Which is interesting... since it's a sequel... maybe it's just me... anywhoo

how is everyone today? it's a saturday and we should all be in a good mood - cuz umm, i am and i said so... even though campus food has once again made me frightfully ill... ah well
this thread was just killed as soon as a forum was created in it's name. - must the macosx doc com forum suffer like apple did and repeat history?
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
i just saw a commercial for Blade II... saying that it was the "most original action thriller in years." Which is interesting... since it's a sequel... maybe it's just me... anywhoo

how is everyone today? it's a saturday and we should all be in a good mood - cuz umm, i am and i said so... even though campus food has once again made me frightfully ill... ah well

Need Blade 2? What do you want? 700 MB DivX 5 in excellent quality or two SVCDs in the same good quality?

Arg, bad Ulrik, stop dealing with illegal movie material... :D

I can only say: go to the cinema! I got the movie three days ago, converted it to SVCDs, watched it, was so excited that today, I bought my cinema tickets for the double-night-premiere (it is not yet released here in Germany)...Blade 1 was good, but this film is even better!

Well, how I am? I just come from a Depeche Mode party in Heidelberg, it was really good, but now I am a bit tired (it's 2 o'clock in the night over here) so I thought I make a short stop in Herve's and than I go to bed...then again, my cat just decided to hop onto my arm and rest/sleep there...so I will have to stay at the computer for some more time :rolleyes:
ulrik there was an old unix (x-windows) browser called chimera. The name navigator is suspicious though. Anyways its very nice.
I don't know. Chimera is an awesome name. Say it. Chimera. Fast cars are named Chimera. Freaky animals with a lions head and a scorpions tale, attacking freaky greek gods are called Chimera. Viruses in John Woo movies are called Chimera. Chimera is a winner name. I bet a future president of the US is called Chimera. But Navigator? It's the diet coke of evil. The margerine of evil. Just one calory. Not evil enough.
Originally posted by ulrik
I don't know. Chimera is an awesome name. Say it. Chimera. Fast cars are named Chimera. Freaky animals with a lions head and a scorpions tale, attacking freaky greek gods are called Chimera. Viruses in John Woo movies are called Chimera. Chimera is a winner name. I bet a future president of the US is called Chimera. But Navigator? It's the diet coke of evil. The margerine of evil. Just one calory. Not evil enough.

the austin powers influence...
can someone download it and post a screenshot? please!!!!

anyways... Click Here!

i want to see if this site works on all platforms and browsers and i know there are many different browsers used here... post a screenshot (or send it to me through PM) so i can see what to do to make it better...

thanks everyone!