Herve's Bar & Grill

listen to your self! " data exchange thingy" ?! SHAME on you! i bet that was an inside joke on the part of lucas and friends, back in the day when they still had good humor... maybe in attack of the clonses they can kill jar jar binks and get back at least part of the dignity they used to have.
Well, Jar Jar will have his five minutes, and I red that in this five minutes, he will be even more "stupid" than in Episode 1 (from which I was dissapointed). Overall, the movie should be much more "dark", but the stupid jokes in the trailers already make me doubt that it will be anything near the quality of the original trilogy.

About that data exchange thingy, I just wanted to put it a way that everybody understands it. The days when I knew the blueprints of a R2 unit inside out are gone...sadly...
can you people answer a thread i started about mac os xserver ftp access account creation, please... hehe, i'm pimpin my thread in a bar... hehe you know, i would not be surprised if in 5 years we would all meet somwhere in a REAL herve's bar and grill! and have a chat!
Ed is probably too tired to even talk (uses viavoice to post:p) -- too much yard work... Ed take some of you own advice dude! chiiiill ;)

The encoding dillema --- MP3s can be edited. They are just sound files. They are not compressed, their encoding allows small file size with sustainable quality.

Now the question is this: Where is MP3pro for the mac??? I have the WinAMP codec for MP3Pro, can I use it with MACAST ? if so how ?

Finally, the weekend is here!!!!! :D
It sucks though cause I have to wake up at 06:00 tomorrow to go work overtime at a university event. Oh well, some more $$$ to the bank :p. I still have to do my CS homework and starting writing my ZukunftsplŠnne (sp?) writeup for german. Maybe I will pick up some Smirnoff ice on the way back from work, stay up late and mix some music (damn my whole life has taken a backseat!) --- 4 more weeks! Hope dies last :p

BTW, BAr & Grill poll:
Some girl I know from England called me up and prank called me. I have boycotted her for 2 weeks now (i.e. I dont talk to her, no responce to her SMSs --- Admiral running silent :p) --- Should I un-boycott her ? or should I keep getting SMSs from her saying "I am soooo sorry :(" ??? hehehe (let em suffer) :P

what the hell?!

oh well, seems like i was on the page before the last page and answered to "what happened to ed's arm?"

anyways, i now have 700 posts!

when i first got here, i would never have imagined it...

200 at most...

when i hit 100, i was ecstatic!

great times here at the B&G...

a round of drinks for all my friends here!
thanks bling bling, hey admiral, i think a few weeks is enough, i mean you don't ant to turn off pottential customers if you know what imean :)
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth

actually, audion's mp3 editor saved my life a few times when i needed to censor cusses out of songs for air play. it's fun fun fun! I like audion a lot, i paid for it and all, but i almost never use it now that i have iTunes. I just like how iTunes organizes mp3s better.
Mp3's really qualify as "broadcast quality"?

<edited spelling>
Admiral, how far along are you in the CS world? IOW, what are you taking?

(edited because Tom fixed his spelling, so my joke made no sense any more :( Like they ever do... :D )
Ulrik et al - my arm is fine now, back to normal aches and pains from the yard work. No more funny tingling or spasm type movements. Once more thanks to all to for sharing their stories and making me less concerned about it. also thanks for asking about it Ulrik and thanks to all who remembered what happened.;)

I have been very busy the last two days. Yesterday was my son's last day here so we hung out a little extra last nite. I had to get up at 4:00 am to take him to the airport so i was in bed by 11:00 last night. I stopped by here very early after i got back, but didn't post as I was feeling a bit withdrawn with him gone. I go thru this every time he leaves.

Today i finished the pond. The rocks we bought arrived at noon and by 6:00 i was done with it. Of course i am sure i will still do some rearranging and I need to find a way to anchor some of the rocks, but it really went pretty fast. probably because it was the most fun project i have done in the yard. It is my masterpiece!!

For those of you who remember the pic of a funny looking, sawed up hot tub sitting above ground, I'll bet you never believed i could make it look like this -


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Tom - your other plant is another variety of draecena. it is one of the hardiest of them and will take almost as much neglect as the mother-in-law's tongue:D It will do well with a minimum amount of light ( won't grow like that, but will survive ok). In the window like you have it, it will want more water.

someone a while back did a tribute report on Steve Jobs. I am too tired (and lazy) to go back and check who it was. But i wanted to say thanks for thinking of me. That was an honor. I'm glad you did it on Steve. He is much more deserving and i am sure he was more interesting to your class.:p

tolya - I am going to try and finish all the major work on the yard this weekend, then 'chiiiiiiilllll' for a few days before i refocus on school stuff again. I must admit i have found this whole experience with landscaping to be fun and rewarding. It may tire me out and leave me less time and energy for the site, but it has been doing good things for my head and my sense of self. not to mention the connectedness with the land that i have been developing.;)

so everybody here is another angle of the pond (i am expecting to start hearing a few oooh's and ahhh's about now;) )


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Oooh, aaaaahh. That better, Ed? :D Here's a few more for you: ooooooooh, aaaaaaaaah!

So you put fish in there so the gnome could catch them? :)
gee thanks nkuvu:D

we're planning on throwing a few test fish in next weekend. the ecosystem should start to stabilize enough by then. if the raccoons and cats don't eat them or they die from whatever, then we will try more.
originally posted by Tom
Mp3's really qualify as "broadcast quality"?

Eh, they manage. I encode at higher than 128 usually, and it's only a college station, so people don't expect 2 much from us ;)

originally posted by Ed
someone a while back did a tribute report on Steve Jobs. I am too tired (and lazy) to go back and check who it was. But i wanted to say thanks for thinking of me. That was an honor. I'm glad you did it on Steve. He is much more deserving and i am sure he was more interesting to your class.

Yup that was me. Actually, the class wasn't too interested - they did like the new iMac commercial though. One of them asked me if the guy in the commercial was Steve Jobs. I honestly do think his career is interesting, mac-user or not, since he did kinda just go around starting companies and leaving them, only to end up with his first. I suppose, for the same reason, some people found it interesting, but you have to realize, people here think i'm the antichrist for using a mac, so... :rolleyes:
greg - i thought it was you but didn't want to look stupid if it wasn't;)
I think Steve's life is really interesting myself and there is a lot of it i don't even know about. i am not one of his disciples or anything like that. i just admire him for sticking by his principles many years ago and for continuing to mostly do so today.

and yea, i was bummed that there was no optimization in the drive10 update. i guess the guy at mwsf didn't really know what he was talking about. oh well, maybe next time.:rolleyes:

btw - the gnome is so much happier now that he has a pond to fish in. before he was trying to fish in the garden. and so far the only thing that has come up are radishes. they wouldn't even make good bait:p

and my GF says that the next gnome she is getting me will the one with the wheeelbarrow in honor of all the work i have done putting this yard together.:D I am looking forward to being the gnome playing the flute under the mushroom
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
I am looking forward to being the gnome playing the flute under the mushroom

That sounds like a euphemism for something!! :D

Anyone have a leather trenchcoat I can borrow? I'm supposed to be going to a fancy dress party as Spike from Buffy, but I can't find a decent coat. Mind you, it's probably a good thing because if I do find one then I'm going to have to bleach my hair, and I'd rather not do that...
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Mp3's really qualify as "broadcast quality"?

usually at 192 or higher they're close enough (or exactly) cd quality so they would be okay for airplay

plus i am a "PCDJ" (i take my PC around and use that to play music instead of using cd's and stuff... i saw some people like this before that were using an ibook blueberry) and most of my songs I get off of Kazaa (well, 90% of my songs came off Napster before it got shut down) and most of them are 128 and they sound just excellent (even though it's Mono output)