Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by ksv

Yeah, but iTunes is Apple, and Apple is compatible ;)
Can you burn CDs in Audion, eh? ;)

i never use itunes to burn cd's and if i will burn music cd's maybe i will, but audion is supposed to be bundled with toast which burns everything anyway, and i'm not saying iTunes sucks, actually i think it one of the best mp3 playing apps out there, but it get's boring after a while... audion also has nice display in the dock of how many seconds passes of the song.. and i'm shure other thing which i don't know about cuz i just got it today.
Not meaning to change the subject...but......

When is Admin going to step in here. I know this might sound silly coming from me, but, there is way too much garbage being posted. If he is going to kick people off and tell us to watch what we say, and where we say it... when is he planning on cleaning up this new garbage that has arrived in the form of.... xoot for one. He is not the only one but I cant think of anyone off the top of my head.

Am I right, or should I just shut up and mind my own buisness?
I have to agree. I do the "view recent postings" thing and I'm starting to get really annoyed when the list is full of:

Funny Story I
Funny Story II
Funny Story III
Poll: is xoot insane
Poll: xoot
Poll: the Magic Dragon
Avatar this
Avatar that
Avatar something else
Silly Random Quote
Goofy Stories
the New Herve's Bar and Grill (why is there a new one? is it a franchise now?)

Just letting you know how I feel. I really wish people would stop opening new threads for the same subjects over and over.:(
Originally posted by dlookus

the New Herve's Bar and Grill (why is there a new one? is it a franchise now?)

no, it was to announce when Admin changed it from All Thoughts Non Technical to Herve's B&G...

it also has some things you can use to promote the site on your site (if you have one)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK

Your room is such a mess I would FREAK if I were your father :p

lol! well what my father doesn't know can't hurt him. He's back home, I'm at school - and i try to keep in clean when the parents are coming by :rolleyes:
hey guys... does anyone know anything about snakes? specifically, mating them? I need to get my corn snake to umm... do the nasty with another one, so i can get snakelings and make money - lol... but i have no idea how or how to find out. Any ideas?
Ah that's better. Amazing how a beer can cause all that work stress to just melt away. Seen as how I'm new round here, I guess it's my round. Who's in? I recommend the Hobgoblin. I'm impressed that you can get it here. Guess I'll be calling in to this watering hole more often.


Originally posted by tismey

There's yer beer... Seeing as you're new round these parts I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that that attitude isn't going to get worse with the liquor.

nkuvu - the Sunderland thing was kind of a gag... it's a place near Newcastle (the original one) in the North-East of England. There's a kind of rivalry between them. I thought the idea of a pint of Newcastle (the place) was amusing and took it to its next logical, and unintelligible to non-Englanders, step.
Originally posted by vic
Audion also has an mp3 editor although i'm prety sure that's useless :)

actually, audion's mp3 editor saved my life a few times when i needed to censor cusses out of songs for air play. it's fun fun fun! I like audion a lot, i paid for it and all, but i almost never use it now that i have iTunes. I just like how iTunes organizes mp3s better.
Mp3 editor, eh? Mp3s are encoded, and can't be edited. Does it decode the Mp3 so you can edit it, then encoe it again? :)
you can "rip mix burn" in audion also fro those who don't know, the buttons are easily accesible from the playlist, although i do like the Lexx gate to the atomic button in iTunes - i think that is the cooles widget ever.
Originally posted by ksv
Mp3 editor, eh? Mp3s are encoded, and can't be edited. Does it decode the Mp3 so you can edit it, then encoe it again? :)

:confused: :confused: :confused:

What brings you to that conclusion? Any media is "encoded" somehow (apart from Bitmaps and raw audio...and even they can be considered to be "encoded" into bits). Of course you can edit an MP3 if the application can handle the MP3 codec. You can edit MP3s in Quicktime also, btw., as well as any other media Quicktime has the codec for.
Originally posted by ulrik

:confused: :confused: :confused:

What brings you to that conclusion? Any media is "encoded" somehow (apart from Bitmaps and raw audio...and even they can be considered to be "encoded" into bits). Of course you can edit an MP3 if the application can handle the MP3 codec. You can edit MP3s in Quicktime also, btw., as well as any other media Quicktime has the codec for.

OK, I meant compessed, not encoded. You can't edit the resource (or data) fork in a .sit file either, right? Same thing.
Even if it is possible to edit Mp3 files in some way without decoding them to AIFF first, it would be slow as a-word-Admin-doesn't-like :rolleyes:
And for the quicktime thing, yes, that's possible, but you can't save the file as an Mp3, it's saved as a quicktime movie.
Originally posted by ksv

OK, I meant compessed, not encoded. You can't edit the resource (or data) fork in a .sit file either, right? Same thing.
Even if it is possible to edit Mp3 files in some way without decoding them to AIFF first, it would be slow as a-word-Admin-doesn't-like :rolleyes:
And for the quicktime thing, yes, that's possible, but you can't save the file as an Mp3, it's saved as a quicktime movie.

I don't wanna start a fight here, but that is wrong. The thing that "compresses" an MP3 file actually is the encoding. You can edit MP3 content directly, without the need to decode/encode it. As I said, you can do that in Quicktime for example with most other medias. Open two DivX movies, cut and past one of them inside the other and save it. No decoding, no encoding. Nada. And the result is still a DivX movie. Same goes for MP3. Any better audio application can do that. Sure, on some codecs which are based on keyframes (video codecs like DivX, MPEG etc.) they have to be adjustet, but if you just - for example - cut, cut and paste, copy and do such stuff, there is no need to de/en/reencode anything. The fact that Quicktime always wants to make a Quicktime movie out of ANYTHING is more a political decision made my Apple than an actual technical problem. Editing MP3 realtime is no problem for any modern processor, including older G3s.
He zapped it full of electricity while working on his pond and he had some electric thingy near it. It was back on page 110 or so :-p
Have you seen Star Wars? When R2 D2 sticks his data exchange thingy in the power outlet? Or get's shockes my the Javas on Tatooine? That's what happened to Ed's arm/hand....