Herve's Bar & Grill

i had just finished coding a page for my client's website and ready to save...

click click

(expletives run out of bling's mouth so fast he'd be caught speeding on the highway if he was driving!)


here's the shocking photograph... another hour lost thanks to windows!

(whacha guys think about my office eh? lol... it's really not all mine but the guy who's office it actually is, isn't around much... that book there.... well every listing that is on the internet must be in that book (for reference since most stuff I put online gets screwed up somehow)


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Ladies and gentlemen, there is not just one, but TWO lessons to be learned here!

Lesson 1: Save like crazy. I hit command-s just about every 5-45 seconds.

Lesson 2: Don't trust Windoze to your work, you'll regret it.

That sucks BB :(
Hey, this is a "community" right? We have to talk about something
And increase our post counts.... :D

Uh, what happened to the "Save every five minutes when working on important (read: any) stuff on Windows"?

Sorry -- had to say it. Same reason I ask if anyone has a backup of their dissertation when they press 'Delete' instead of 'Print'....

No one has ever told me that they do have a backup, BTW...
Originally posted by nkuvu
Uh, what happened to the "Save every five minutes when working on important (read: any) stuff on Windows"?

i can't save... the site is a "live" site so when I hit save (even when i'm not finished), they see what i've done... so i have to wait until i'm done to save...

but it wasn't anything major... just a bit of "cosmetic restructuring" (made the page go from crappy looking to "ooh! new shiny look!")
the server gets confused and screws the links up...

(this is a UNIX server i might add... but it's only been like this when we switched to FrontPage 2002 from the 2000 version)
you could just copy all the source and paste it into another document just in case, right? :-p
Then if it crashes, just copy and paste it back :)
Good idea, but think about it; would you ever actually do that? It's sometimes annoying enough to remember to hit Cmd-S every once in a while much less Ctrl-C, switch to other window, Ctrl-V, every few seconds... :)
Originally posted by ksuther
you could just copy all the source and paste it into another document just in case, right? :-p

i make over 100 changes per day.... copying and pasting code into "backup" pages would make my work harder...

plus i am just now getting into HTML (i've been using FrontPage my whole life) and it's hard enough learning that and then using it...
You just need a configuration management tool, like ClearCase (on Windows).

Then to modify a file, you need to check it out (with an SPCR number if your company really wants one), modify the files, then check it back in, and have it reviewed by three other people before the file is considered worthy..... :rolleyes:

Oh! Sorry, I'm at work, that's the fun we get to do to modify files. The advantage to this is that you can always get the earlier versions, so if I make a change that breaks things we can recover the old information. Of course the disadvantage is that it's a PITA.
Yawn... Hey people, I'm back from the magic kingdom. :D Long lines everywhere we went... ANyway, just checking in at the ol' B & G and showing off the new Transparent Green Spinning Box of Death :D
Nice work with the yard Ed. You can hardly recognize the fountain. :D
I acknowledge that the rotationally-moving polygonal shape being opaque never caught my attention, but if it had, I doubt if it would have provoked me to a state of annoyance.

I HATE Shakespeare... arrrrrrrrrrrgh.
BlingBling, we... uh, we had to tell you this at some point, but, um... well, you see... this isn't quite what it seemed... as a matter of fact, it's... um...

actually I don't know what it is. It's HERVE'S BAR AND GRIlL! So let's PARTY! Woooooo!

Come on, people, keep posting... you can do it!
hey, sometimes you've gotten something to say, and sometimes you don't. no big deal. since everybody seems to be tired of my yard updates, i don't have much to say right now.

except that i just added 10 goldfish to the pond.:D