Herve's Bar & Grill

i used front page for about a week, and then i read about athousand articles on why it sucks, and the i tried dreamweaver and it kicks. the living sh** aut of front page on any ocasion... my friend, if you want to become a professional web designer developer check your code. if it includes things that should not bee there it is bad code. Front page takes a dump on the chest of the internet and then rubs it's a** oll over a websites face. --- sorry it's just how i feel about it. i hope it's clear.

not insulting you bling, just front page.
frontpage != proffessional web designer

Since I mainly use PHP/MySQL/MING, I tend to write my sites in Apple's Project Builder. If I need static HTML, I am often to lazy to write it from hand (complex talbes are just so much easier to create in WYSIWYG) so I use a combination of Project Builder and GoLive 6.
I use blogger for my weblog (jeff.hume.ca) and I hand code my html with tons of CSS. frontpage is awful just get away from it bling :D
Originally posted by ulrik
frontpage != proffessional web designer

Since I mainly use PHP/MySQL/MING, I tend to write my sites in Apple's Project Builder. If I need static HTML, I am often to lazy to write it from hand (complex talbes are just so much easier to create in WYSIWYG) so I use a combination of Project Builder and GoLive 6.

is project builder good for writing php? i also write ohp and mysql but i use bbedit now... how did you setup project builder as a web app writing tool?
if isset(front_page) {

echo ("you are not allowed to code!")


else {

echo ("code happily!")


;) i'm not sure of my sintax, i havent tried too hard, it's just for kiks
i can't code 1 line of text... not even a simple link....
dreamweaver worked for a while, but it started to become REALLY STUPID after a while....
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
i can't code 1 line of text... not even a simple link....
dreamweaver worked for a while, but it started to become REALLY STUPID after a while....

wow... uhhh.. you get points for creatively conveying your point...
bling bling, html is really easy! i picked up a magazine a while ago (5years) and got a tripod homepage and was coding like mad, if i saw something on other sites i looked at the page source and copied and pasted the code, that way i learned html really fast. i admit i don't know javascript at all, but al that javascript can be handled by dreamweaver and imageready. but i do understand it when i look at it. it's easy to understand most codes when you look throught them especially php and html. bling bling, for you own good, please learn the basics for html, i admit it's annoing to code tables, and i usually get dreamweaver to do the tables but what if something goes wrong with your code? believe me, seeing you code naked and knowing how to manipulate it to your utmost desire is good. i usally use dreamweaver to code, lik i said before, now with php, ther eis no vsual coding program and my knowledge of pure html sure helps now. and bbedit is really helpfull when one decides to code the matrix :)
Here ya go -- a simple link...
<a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a>

That should be enough to get you started... :D
I use simpletext for HTMLing :p lol
I laugh in the face of frontpage users :p hehehe

As for campus medical, I went there once and they told me if I was sick I needed to contact them before seeing a doctor to approve in order to make it count towards my student health insurance...what a bunch of crock :p --- now I have better healthcare, boo them ;)
starting out html you dont feel good because all your stuff looks stupid and unprofessional but when you get good its much more rewarding. I suggest you learn blingbling. It would maybe take a couple hours to learn but it takes some time to get good. You have to practice.
Originally posted by vic
wow... uhhh.. you get points for creatively conveying your point...

thank you

i really want to learn HTML but I learned how to do it the easy way and the easy way only... that's why it would be so difficult for me to learn! i have no free time and if I ever did, it would be VERY difficult implementing all of that since it is so hard already!

maybe this summer when I have 3 months free time... and when i have my mac....

which my dad has now given me 100% right to get one since I have emergency money in case of some drastic reason (and i'm getting it from SmallDog.com since it's cheaper there for some reason)

it is the 800 MHz G4 with SuperDrive and 256 MB RAM with a 60 GB hard drive.... that's all i'm allowed to get now....
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12

i really want to learn HTML but I learned how to do it the easy way and the easy way only... that's why it would be so difficult for me to learn! i have no free time and if I ever did, it would be VERY difficult implementing all of that since it is so hard already!

Meh, it's not so hard. Just a bunch of tags, no real code. It doesn't take as long to learn as a programming language - not nearly as long. But I can understand the no free time thing - I couldn't teach myself HTML right now, I have too much to do. I'm just saying that when you do get some time, don't be intimidated. It's probably easier than you think.

it is the 800 MHz G4 with SuperDrive and 256 MB RAM with a 60 GB hard drive.... that's all i'm allowed to get now....

Oh, is that all? :rolleyes: I personally have a 400Mhz iMac with just a plain ol' DVD-R (where the R stands for "read" :D) and a 10-gig internal HD. So you won't be getting much sympathy from me.

Although I will have more RAM than you. :p

-the valrus
Happy Birthday Vic !!

BB - nice job with the new avatar. and i agree with everyone else, html is not that hard to learn. basically if you just take a look at your source code for pages you create in drag and drop, you will start to get the idea of the basics pretty quick. I mean i am no genius at it and i can't do fancy stuff, but i did manage to put together a basic website.:D

hope everybody's ears are better soon. nothing new with me. just more planting plants and getting the yard shaped up, piddling in the pond and watching TV.

what about everybody else, anybody got anything new in their life?
Originally posted by nkuvu
Oh yeah, while Vic is buying, can I get a pint of something good? How about a pint of Sunderland, Tismey? :D

There you go, sir. Whilst we're sampling various parts of the north of England, aI had a flying visit up to Leeds this week. I thoroughly recommend it. Clears the head and invigorates the soul.

To chuck in my 2penn'orth, one of the reasons that tibook.co.uk keeps getting delayed (apart from I can't decide what to put on it!) is the factthat I keep learning new stuff, and want to use it all! I started using Freeway to design it (thoroughly recommend it for those of you who use WYSIWYG editors if you've not tried it - I think the final code looks cleaner than Dreamweaver's as well)., then learnt a bit of CSS and HTML, so wanted to do that way. And then I realised that I could probably use my Oracle SQL knowledge to do it with MySQL and php, so now I'm learning that. It's just taking longer than I expected!!
I tried GoLive once, I didn't like it. Dreamweaver is my favourite. It feels much more proffessional in a way... Now if Macromedia would finish porting it to OS X soon, I would be happy.

Bling: It's handy to know and understand some simple html. I think that troubleshooting your pages will be much easier for you then.;)
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12

thank you

i really want to learn HTML but I learned how to do it the easy way and the easy way only... that's why it would be so difficult for me to learn! i have no free time and if I ever did, it would be VERY difficult implementing all of that since it is so hard already!

maybe this summer when I have 3 months free time... and when i have my mac....

which my dad has now given me 100% right to get one since I have emergency money in case of some drastic reason (and i'm getting it from SmallDog.com since it's cheaper there for some reason)

it is the 800 MHz G4 with SuperDrive and 256 MB RAM with a 60 GB hard drive.... that's all i'm allowed to get now....

well that machine is much better than mine! hope you enjoy it when you get it. and the lack of front page on mac might make you want to learn golive or dreamweaver:rolleyes: