mac shaman
shutting the pump on is an extremely difficult procedure - ordianry mortals should not try it. it involves adavanced metaphysics and special electricity
(ok, you caught one of my funnier typos
thanks for the info about the betas. i still think there is plenty of environment like you describe within our pond but the 'messy goldfish' theory might have something to it. Still, i am cleaning the filter daily at this point the water is as clear as when i first added it. (finally!!) plus the submerged plants are starting to provide lots of cover.
i guess i will just have to enjoy my indoor beta which is in a "fish plant" - you know, a vase with a plant set down in it with roots in the water. the fish eats the roots which he then excretes and his excrement feeds the plant. It is a nice, self contained ecosystem that requires little care. We change the water about twice a year, feed the fish real beta food about once a month and occasionally add some water to keep it full. Oh, and trim the roots on the plant about twice a year.
Tolya - you might have realized by now that a beta is more commonly known as a Japanese fighting fish.

thanks for the info about the betas. i still think there is plenty of environment like you describe within our pond but the 'messy goldfish' theory might have something to it. Still, i am cleaning the filter daily at this point the water is as clear as when i first added it. (finally!!) plus the submerged plants are starting to provide lots of cover.
i guess i will just have to enjoy my indoor beta which is in a "fish plant" - you know, a vase with a plant set down in it with roots in the water. the fish eats the roots which he then excretes and his excrement feeds the plant. It is a nice, self contained ecosystem that requires little care. We change the water about twice a year, feed the fish real beta food about once a month and occasionally add some water to keep it full. Oh, and trim the roots on the plant about twice a year.
Tolya - you might have realized by now that a beta is more commonly known as a Japanese fighting fish.