Herve's Bar & Grill

shutting the pump on is an extremely difficult procedure - ordianry mortals should not try it. it involves adavanced metaphysics and special electricity :p (ok, you caught one of my funnier typos:D )

thanks for the info about the betas. i still think there is plenty of environment like you describe within our pond but the 'messy goldfish' theory might have something to it. Still, i am cleaning the filter daily at this point the water is as clear as when i first added it. (finally!!) plus the submerged plants are starting to provide lots of cover.

i guess i will just have to enjoy my indoor beta which is in a "fish plant" - you know, a vase with a plant set down in it with roots in the water. the fish eats the roots which he then excretes and his excrement feeds the plant. It is a nice, self contained ecosystem that requires little care. We change the water about twice a year, feed the fish real beta food about once a month and occasionally add some water to keep it full. Oh, and trim the roots on the plant about twice a year.

Tolya - you might have realized by now that a beta is more commonly known as a Japanese fighting fish.;)
vic - are you saying that because the site has a little space dedicated to supporting american troops, that it is nazi? If so, then what makes you think americans are nazis? Frankly, that was a pretty obnoxious comment:mad:
Yes let's all jump up and down for the prety american soldiers who go and fight other peoples wars. yee, joy, war. whoo hoo. let's cheer and support the soldiers.
f*ck me if i'm mistaken but didn't we get attacked first?

isn't afghanistan in a better state now than it was pre-9/11?

do you not want peace? how many times have we gone in and stopped wars and other things?

if it's a problem to show patriotism for your troops and country, then you might as well go and shoot me and a couple million other americans!

sorry.. i had to vent...
on a lighter note (my original reason for being here...)

whacha think of this web banner for you guys to promote macosx.com on your site?
Hey vic, i am about as anti war as they come. I do not support the killing of innocents or of getting involved in the affairs of other nations. But frankly, my country was attacked on 9/11/01 and i don't see one thing wrong with us going after the fanatics who are waging war with us whether we like it or not. that does not make us nazis. If we were nazis, you would be an american, because we would have added Canada to our holdings long ago.

and even if you want to see our govt as something evil (believe me, i'm not their biggest fan), that has nothing to do with supporting the individuals who make up our armed services, many of whom joined with no idea they would be at war. These people have families. They have hopes and fears like you and I. And I would guess they get to spend more than their fair share of time being afraid these days. There is nothing nazi about showing support and caring for these people.

perhaps when your country is attacked and people you know end up putting their selves in harms way to protect you, then you will see this differently. or perhaps you will end up being one of those who gets put in harms way.

while the 'war on terrorism' might be a bit of a stretch, the war on Al Quida and their allies is very real and neccessary despite how much us peace lovers would like to think otherwise.

got anymore smart ass remarks to make?
i couldn't have said it better myself ed!


and i am also not one of my government's biggest fans either... thanks to my civics teacher for telling us that our civics books actually put us into a thought mode about what is right with our government system... and how others are bad...
"got anymore smart ass remarks to make?"

Maybe, but for now this one will suffice.

I agree mostly. I feel i should make my vintage point known better, in general i am anti patriotism, weather it be my country or another country. So any patriotic remarks, in my eyes, are vain attempts to glorify the garbage. I love patriotism when it's used as a joke or on lighter notes, or maybe i'll go as far as sports, but in general it is patritism (known in the land of animals as pissing to mark the teritory) that sparks most wars. Supporting the army, any army, afgan or american is the same thing and is something that should be considered as a last resort in case of a dispute. Of course, the first world societies, and other peopel in general have discovered that spanking the kids should be considdered as a last resort also, maybe spanking the kids taken to a national level would be called war, and as i said before should be avoided it in itself and any support for it.
Honestly, I didn't even notice the support our troops bit. I was just looking for a page that had a combination of decent pics and information. I still am not entirely clear on what you mean, since I haven't visited the site since this afternoon when I grabbed it.

The pic I attached was the best pic I found in three (or so) minutes of browsing, and I think it's very rude to just steal pics without giving credit. So I included the link. If this was any other place, I wouldn't even have included the pic -- I definitely don't want to violate copyright laws. But I thought that the B&G wouldn't have too much difficulty realizing that the pic is not just up for use anywhere and therefore probably wouldn't go using it inappropriately.

I never figured someone would get offended by a link to a website on betas. :rolleyes: Just be glad I didn't include a link to one of the bazillions of personal pages with flashing images and crashing Java applets. Then I think everyone would have been offended. ;)

Next time think that you might ask before flaming me?
you guys beat me to the punch :p
this is what I get for spending a few hours doing my german HW :p lol. well come tomorrow 14:00 hours I will be officially done lol :p
well seems like xoot is in hybernation and wont reply to the replies :p
xoot think long and hard before you answer lol :p
Originally posted by nkuvu
Honestly, I didn't even notice the support our troops bit. I was just looking for a page that had a combination of decent pics and information. I still am not entirely clear on what you mean, since I haven't visited the site since this afternoon when I grabbed it.

The pic I attached was the best pic I found in three (or so) minutes of browsing, and I think it's very rude to just steal pics without giving credit. So I included the link. If this was any other place, I wouldn't even have included the pic -- I definitely don't want to violate copyright laws. But I thought that the B&G wouldn't have too much difficulty realizing that the pic is not just up for use anywhere and therefore probably wouldn't go using it inappropriately.

I never figured someone would get offended by a link to a website on betas. :rolleyes: Just be glad I didn't include a link to one of the bazillions of personal pages with flashing images and crashing Java applets. Then I think everyone would have been offended. ;)

Next time think that you might ask before flaming me?

i asked a question, and it was actually a somewhat rethorical question, and i am not flaming you, i am flaming the site, here, because if i get a response here it is from people whose personalities i - sorta - know.
After a really long day (7AM-10PM) I really don't want to argue this. I'm not a big fan of all the American patriotism, but I'm not going to argue it, it serve's its purpose.

Anyways, does anyone else aggree with me that Operation Enduring Freedom is the worst mission codename ever?! I mean a codename like Desert Storm is pretty damn cool, but Enduring Freedom just sounds silly. Anyone agree? Why don't they just call it operation bomb the shit out of osama... because thats basically what it is ;). In my very cynical, nearsighted, I've been busy for 15 hours view. :D
No, i think enduring freedom is a very good name since it makes americans believe that the war and bush and all that shit is good and jolly and, yay, freedom and, yay, kill the afgans.
All right, here's what we're gonna do.

You all are gonna go to My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable, unless a lot of swearing gives you hives or something (which I suspect it doesn't) and look at the "get your war on" section, and then you're gonna come back here and chortle about it for a while and stop giving each other a hard time.

Sheesh. :D

-the valrus

The term Nazi is not a nice one. It doesn't conjure images of bunnies or kittens. I have never seen anyone use it online without getting tons of negative reactions. No matter what your original intention, vic, the phrase "What's with the American Nazi link?" does not bring good feelings to me or, apparently, quite a few other board members.

If you were questioning the patriotism issue, I suggest that a re-wording would do worlds of good.

I'm sorry if I over reacted, but I have strong feelings about war and the soldiers who wage it. I fully support the human beings who are over in some godawful war being killed, maimed, or get to watch the others around them receive the same. I don't pray, seeing as how I am Taoist, but I wish with all my heart that no more humans have to die in any war. Ever. I support the people who are Americans who are dying, as well as everyone else that America is killing. I do not support the decisions of our leaders in putting the troops there in the first place. I do not support the people who hide safely in their little worlds and send others to wage their wars for them. If the leaders of both nations have disagreements, let them duke it out hand to hand, one on one. Don't send others to die for your beliefs.

If you'd like to start a discussion on politics, that's fine. But I don't think that the B&G is really the right place to hold it. That's the last I'll say on the matter in this thread.
what nkuvu said;)

except i don't see any reason to drop a subject just because it's in the B&G. I've been in plenty of real bars and had lots of good heated discussions. so this kind of thing happening here just seems natural.

i just want to add a few things. First, i am a "one world - one people" kind of guy. but even if we could some day attain that ideal, patriotism or regional pride or whatever you want to call it, would still have a positive place in the world. In fact, it is unlikely we will ever reach that ideal without learning to celebrate our differences rather than trying to demolish them or conceal them. patriotism is not the cause of war. it is not a banner for doing harm to others. and in america right now, it is more a symbol of fear and coming together to protect each other than it is of world dominance. Please do not make the mistake of judging the people on the streets thru the views you get in the medias, or our cowboy prez's BS. Until you begin to live in the fear that something terrible could happen to you at any moment because of an act of terrorism, then don't be so quick to judge the reactions of a people who have suddenly been faced with that reality for the first time in their history.

second - for most people i know, showing support for our troops is not about cheering at killing afgans. It is about praying that none of our boys get harmed, that no innocent afgans are harmed and that they identify and destroy the terroists cells before they do any more harm to anyone anywhere in the world. including Canada. while i am a pacifist by nature, i am not going to just stand here and die if someone attacks me or my family. If you take a swing at me, i will attempt to block your punch. If you take another, i will attempt to block it and will hit you back. and i will continue hitting untill you stop attempting to hit me. It is one thing to walk peacefully but aware in a peaceful land, and another to go around disturbing that peace.

third - operation enduring freedom. i find that name a lot cooler than desert storm or most other bad ass military jargon names. the idea of creating lasting freedoms for ourselves and others is a noble, although unrealistic, one. It still sounds better than a 'kick your ass' slogan to me.

summary - i am not a Bush fan. I will publicly state that i didn't vote for him and i wouldn't again. He is as full of caca as the day he graduated high school. and the rhetoric he presents to support these actions is pathetic and unbelievable. But that doesn't mean i don't care about my family and friends and all other americans who are faced with a new reality of fear and mistrust. I do care, and i would consider myself proud to have been born among them. not because we are better than anybody else, but because we are all stuck in the same pile of manure. Just remember that manure is used as fertilizer and with its help, big beautiful new growth takes place. So while i don't condone or promote war as ways to solve issues of state, i do not see caring about my fellow humans who are caught in the crossfire as being nazi.

what i really hear from you vic is the whining of a youth who doesn't 'belong' and can't stand the idea that other people actually get along with each other and care about each other because it makes your own isolation seem so much more miserable. Perhaps if you tried sending letters and communicating with one of our soldiers overseas, you might understand that they are just scared people like the rest of us, only with more reasons to be scared.