Herve's Bar & Grill

Gotta work in a few hours, so nothing alcoholic plz.

For being 116 you have alot of energy. ;)

Couldn't tell you on the post count thing, just not alot to talk about in the past. Was always too busy with work.

About me? 23, single, returning to school for liscensure (and an Associates of Science) in Paramedicine then going for a BS in Computer Science and hopefully after that med school. I just resigned from a PT job as a EMT for a local Fire/EMS dept. due to time and class constraints, currently just working as a Marketing/IT consultant in the Real Estate field with some freelance web & digital design on the side.

There's alot to do in KY.
Sweet!! I am a Captain on a FD in a rural city and while we have a team of EMT's we also work with the cities Paramedics. I'm not big on medical calls, I obviously prefer a fire alarm but it comes with the territory.

Well, I didn't mean to grill you all at once..It's late and I even need to retire as I have a 5:30 am morning to greet.

Nice to meet you mdnky, I hope you'll stop by again and we can chat again.

Goodnight. :)
*myst dims the lights for the late cliente and leaves a note how to warm up the crocks of the holiday toddies, then covers the pool table and air hockey tables, clothes the curtains and wanders out and heads for home*
so, what does everybody think of the remodeling I've been doing?:D

still a lot of work to be done to make the new neighborhoods habitable, but at least the foundations have been laid.

thanks for the kissy mysty.:D

not bad remodeling here either, but what does 'sube' mean? :confused:

mdnky - might notice you have more to do now ;)
Good for you medical type people. We did a CPR/AED class here at work a while back. Cool stuff.

Ed: exactly what remodeling are you referring to? :)
hazmet, if you venture to first page of the forums, you might notice we've added a few new forums and renamed and expanded another. hopefully this will be a good thing. we'll try it and see. mostly areas that i've seen posts for and no real forum where they fit well and expanding the web/graphics area to be a little less pro oriented and yet include more pro aspects at the same time.

oh, mystique - don't you have some news to share with everyone here? :D :wink,wink:
Hi there, mdnky. Nice to see you in the bar.

I think Ed's talking about all the forum changes he's done. Nice work mate. building quite an army of mods too.

Yes mysti, I'm curious about this "SUBE" business too. Is it some new hip slang. :D
(oh gawd my daugther found me-mystique)

Hey all! Wasssabi???:)

You're brave to let my mum mix your drinks and now that she is marrying that cowboy she doesn't know her head from her....ankle. So beware. They have both gone mental.

Oh, I'm Fox Race Gurl, Mystique's daughter, also known as Tiff.

Cool place.

Gotta motor.;)
*Mystique rushes in, shivering beneath her coat wearing a short dress and heels and nearly dropping the case of champange she is struggling to carry. *

I haven't got the sense God gave an avacado pit..its 2 degrees and I'm in a skirt

*Setting the box on the back bar, Myst scurries around to open her new curtains and take the covers off the toys and start the Christmas music on the juke box*

(much grumbling down the hall

Morning All...sorry I'm tardy...Iwas up VERY Late getting myself engaged. Um, as in to be MARRIED.

*mystique grabs the ends of the bar and sways on her heels* DId I just say that?

Never mind about the Unix term on the board, we'll get back to that later...

*Myst takes the old LED sign off the back wall and fools with it with her shaking hands and then hangs it back up and has to sit down to read it the first time*

Mystique was engaged to be married last night!! Your first drink's on me!!! W00t!!!!
Uh oh. The fam's arrived. :)

Myst: congratulations!

foxracegurl: Is he cool? ;)

Ed: Nice changes indeed. And thanks for the comment in the iGeek thread. I just read that today. :)

Hello Hazmat, Klink (glare).

Thank you for the congrats.
My daughter really likes him but they have to give each other a bunch of crap, that's why I know they like one another.

Klink...go back to B and G II for a minute, I left you a message you need to read. :P

Can I get you anything from the bar, Hazmat? I hope it's not as bloody cold there as it is here today. I can't warm up. Of course, if I'd wear some REAL clothes, that might be an issue. :D
*laughs* All this running back and forth has me discombobulated.

Cool hazmat, I'd rather call you Ken if that's ok. You can call me whatever you like, Klink, Mike, Michael. It's all the same to me.
Originally posted by mystique

Can I get you anything from the bar, Hazmat? I hope it's not as bloody cold there as it is here today. I can't warm up. Of course, if I'd wear some REAL clothes, that might be an issue. :D

Can you make me a Bloody Caesar, extra spicy?
Originally posted by Klink
*laughs* All this running back and forth has me discombobulated.

Cool hazmat, I'd rather call you Ken if that's ok. You can call me whatever you like, Klink, Mike, Michael. It's all the same to me.

Absolutely, Klike. That's my name. ;)

My apologies, Hazmat...I kept reloading the page and seeing nothing new because I didn't realize the page had moved on and missed your request.

I am NOT with it today at ALL.

Here, is your Bloody Caesar, on the House. Let me know if it's not spicey enough.

Klink, have you forgiven me? :D
*ed nearly faints as klink reveals his real name*

could a picture be next? :D

ken - it took me a second to remember 'the iGeek thread". i've been distracted by more practical concerns lately. hey, i was just telling it like it is. You've always been a good guy around here.:)

mystique - can we have some of the more modern(?) rock xmas songs - like maybe the mckenzie brothers and john lennon, the kinks, etc.