Herve's Bar & Grill

well i completely agrree about the cold jeepster. i once locked my keys in the car near the path of a tornado. i would much rather do that than lock myself out in cold and snow. nice thing about where i live now - nice moderate temps all year round. never too cold and never very hot. stays in the 60's during the day most times and the 40's or 50's at night. the wind can be a bit much, but it's not terrible.
Cry me a river Bossman...you down there in the Bay Area...you don't know what COLD is!!!

I'd also like to point out at this time that men are absolutely ACES at avoiding questions and comments they don't want to answer. :p

[Bock Bock]

If one of these bolts falls OUT, then you are Allllllllllllllllllll in for it. *cackle*

hey, babe, you tending bar tonight, or socializing?

i'd like a yard of guinness and a glass of bushmill's if y'all got that sort of thing around here.
Hey Hazmat, what's up with the tattoo's? This sounds like the kind of convo we need to pick this place up..I've been cleaning out my belly button lint for hours

i was just over there...hmmm....bar-hopping...it's not just for IRL anymore ;)
hear? hear? you KNOW my rep ;)

** looks in wallet, which emits dust upon opening **

um, sure, let's do that tab thing -- i could do with another pint o' bushmills and a glass of guinness, babe
I was going to introduce you to Hazmat, but he comes and goes like a fart in a skillet without so much as a "ki$$ my ar$e" so I don't know if he's still about or not.
Thirsty tonight, luv? Swallowing some agression and pain? Need a back rub after work? ;)
One tab started....I hope my Edboss doesn't yell at me.
he better not kiss your arse :mad: that's my domain!

oh...um...allow me to introduce myself...i'm b3s...i usually hang out at the bar up the road...and mystique will eventually become mrs. b3s as we're engaged to be married :D

now that i have this newfound line of credit....a round on me :D
I think we ran him off.

So how about that back rub, I'll take one if you don't want it, I am literally the walking dead..total exhaustion (mostly mental). If they don't cut me loose to go home tomorrow you'll hear the ranting/screaming from WI.
lordy, babe, but i have a thirst...no agression...no pain...but i would like to hoist a pint to friend Tom...'eres to us and those like us, d4mn few left!


a backrub! who do i gotta kill to get one of those! hurt my shoulder with the barbells yesterday...not bad, but it does hurt a bit
ah, isee b3s finally stopped staring in the door and came in and had a drink. everybody, this is one of my buds from herve's II. since mysti isn't introducing him, let me - this is the sucker, er i mean , wonderful guy whom she is engaged too. :wink, wink:

so b3s - the metallica drive you out? :p

myst - what men are avoiding which questions? :where's that angel smilie when you need it:

hazmat - tattoo thread sounds very entertaining. i don't think it could be me to start it. i would feel like i had to post mine. and since mine are kinda old and fading and the bottoms of my feet are hard to photograph by myself, it might be awhile coming. please feel free.:D
see - this is the problem - you guys post a whole page of posts while i'm composing mine and then i look stupid :p
Originally posted by mystique
So how about that back rub,

YES...um, please ;)

I'll take one if you don't want it, I am literally the walking dead..total exhaustion (mostly mental).

hey, u wanna back rub, you gotta backrub ;) but only if i can have the next dance...do y'all got any george strait over here? the guys down the street replaced mine with metallica today :rolleyes:

If they don't cut me loose to go home tomorrow you'll hear the ranting/screaming from WI. [/B]

if i hear the ranting and screaming in my neck of the woods, i might see if dr. binder will come out for a 2nd opinion! or at least you'll heare my rant/scream rebuttle :mad:

they'll let you go...they BETTER let you go!
Excuse me, did I not introduce you honey? (disclaimer: When I say "Honey" it means b3s) But Hazmat was off again without so much as an unkind gesture...that boy needs to learn some bar manners