Herve's Bar & Grill

one, html-mode is installed.
two, you will want to create an html-mode hook for your html preferences in your ~/.emacs. my html-mode hook (well, sgml, since i use it for xml as well) looks like:
(add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook 'my-sgml-hook)

(defun my-sgml-hook()
  "defaults for SGML mode." 
  (setq fill-column 80)
  (setq sgml-auto-activate-dtd t)
  (setq sgml-omittag t)
  (setq sgml-shorttag t)
  (setq sgml-minimize-attributes nil)
  (setq sgml-always-quote-attributes t)
  (setq sgml-indent-step 2)
  (setq sgml-indent-data t)
  (setq sgml-parent-document nil)
  (setq sgml-exposed-tags nil)
  (setq sgml-local-catalogs nil)
  (setq sgml-local-ecat-files nil)

mainly, i want hierarchical html/xml/xsl indenting, 80-column max, etc.

cool thing about emacs in html/java/c/c++-mode is that hitting tab anywere in the line will automagically indent it.

a few other things you will probably want in your ~/.emacs file:

;; sets up your name and e-mail for modes that use it.
(setq user-full-name "your-name")
(setq user-mail-address "your-email")

;; make ~/.backup and all backup files go there
(load-library "backup-dir")
(setq bkup-backup-directory-info
      '((t "~/.backup/" full-path prepend-name search-upward)))

;;show paren, brace, and curly brace "partners" at all times
(show-paren-mode t)
;;highlight marked regions
(transient-mark-mode t)
;;show column number in status bar
(column-number-mode t)

couple of things i forgot to mention before:
C-x space starts marking.
C-w cuts mark.
ESC-w copies mark
C-g cancels
C-x u undo
C-s search
ESC-x replace-string search and replace.
Uhh ... wait. C-something intended as apple- ?? i hate to call the apple key with any other name .. :p

Uh... i think i need to look for new icons for some apps...
C is CTRL or control.
M is Meta or ESC.

you can re-assign the keys if you want :) oh, and if you are using the savanah version of Emacs (i.e. the official one, but you have to compile it from CVS), then marking and copying/cutting uses the OSX clipbard.

and i forgot another couple:

C-y paste (not quite, but that is what it does)
C-k kill line (once for the text, once for the line...this goes into the clipboard, too).
C-d kill character forward
uhhh :!

i dont go nuts for the one i have either... should i switch to the one you have??? WHICH files do i need? and how do i compile them??? :)
um, you will first need to have dev tools installed from CD-ROM, then get all the files using CVS (instructions are on the page), then open up a terminal and do:

cd {relevant folder}
sudo make install

done :)

oh, you'll want to delete your XEmacs installation first :)
... ufff.. i am now trying just to get rid of all the apps and stuff i dont need and use ... and redoing dock etc .. so i0m not seeing what i have installed of dev tools and what not i first modify the other stuff = for lazyness leave that emacs i have ... :( but i guess not for long, i dont like itl ..
Uhh ... the inventor of the "copyrighted" cds should be *censured* ... i HATE when i notice i cant listen to some cds on my mac!!! i dont have other cd players and i'm not going to get one!!! and i dont want to draw lines to the cds only to make them playable... :( ...
/me looks around to make sure mysti isn't paying attention

noooooobody expects the spanish inquisition :D
mh don't worry... if she enters i try to hide the scene (a very baaad joke..) .. > go to take anything to drink ..
no i didnt mean anything about monty python with my comment... :? i wanted to explain it but i didn't do it intentionally.. would have made googling too easy for somebody (anybody) that could look for something (anything ) about something (anything) ... nah, never mind.. i'm off to sleep ... ;)
... could somebody send me please the original ICONS for mail.app, ical, quicktime, addressbook and ichat?? (just the program icons)

i want the originals back, stupidly i didn't save them anywhere.... :(

They won, they won, they won!!! Best championship bowl game ever!! 2 overtimes!! YEAH!!!