Originally posted by Darkshadow
I'm not suprised you couldn't stand anymore after watching Scarlet Letter 
Well... NeXT became NeXTStep, which then spawned OpenStep, which lumbered its way into Rhapsody, which evolved into Mac OS X....so you're using a decendant of it, in a way.
I was talking about my leg pain!

Yeah, I know the NeXT story too, I used it a few years back...

I liked it a lot! I'll check it out on eBay... Now if I could only get some more $$$, I'd buy a Mac that could run OS X first!
Oh, Giaguara, give it to us, yeah and thanks for sharing arden, I really need it!
Finishing that movie marathon I'm doing since yesterday night, gonna end it with Total Recall, been a long time I watched it. I liked Scarlet letter a lot, I found it pretty good...
Yeah EdX, I'm in, that would sure be great!
So, how's everybody tonight?