Herve's Bar & Grill

I did something last night on my iBook which just brought the system to it's knees!
I'm not sure what it was, but it looked like the Dock froze, I just got the spinning beach ball.
I tried force quiting things, and I even tried to restart. But OS X won't shut down until everything is quit, so I had to do a hard restart :(
This is the first real lock up I have had since I got my iBook four months ago!
It happens. It was probably the SystemUIServer that crashed - when that does, usually the Dock doesn't respond very well/at all. Have a few menu extras/docklings that you added? It could have been one of them that crashed the SystemUIServer.

Probably won't happen again, either. :D

And hey, look on the bright side, at least you didn't get a kernel panic. ;)
so who here has a cell phone? (changing the subject!)

ummm, i have many other gadgets but still don't have a cell phone. friends have abandoned me in scores for that and there's almost nobody left that really understands my point ;)
it's not that bad. my friends put up with it and they know that i usually check my emails about 1000 times a day. if anything's ever really on fire it'll burn just as well without me :D
it's mainly the luxury of privacy that i want to keep. i know, you can turn off a cell phone at any time but still you're more private without - nobody expects you to keep your phone turned on...
besides, in a place like zurich where probably 95% of the people between age 10 and 50 have a cell phone it's only consequent not to have one for someone who "thinks different" :cool:
.. hehé. i was interviewed for a magazine (in europe, you know where i was) some months ago because i was living without a mobile phone - and it was so freakin' uncommon for the under 30 8) .. after using mobiles since '95, (when about 10% of engineering students had one) .. i've had some months of staying alive without because sometimes where i was there was no service (as country) or it was the wrong one (CDMA, i've always had a GSM) or .. well. lost in january *FIVE* mobile numbers at one shot, beat that! :p
now back to life, back with one (supergeeky number as i said some days ago) ...
anyone for a coffee? monster, wakeuuup...? haz'? :)
a latte for you, androo? ;)
Originally posted by Darkshadow
arden: Wha? Did you post that half alseep or something? Sure, I like Linux & X11, but I'm not gonna go blasting someone for not liking it, that would just be insane :D
Did you miss my point entirely? I stated that because it looked like he was rambling on rapidly, as if he'd had too much caffeine. I could care less about BeOS.
Giaguara: a latte for you, androo?
yay latté!!!! thanks.....
What is BeOS??? I always thought it was the pre mac os x thingy... but that's rhapsody, isn't it?
BeOS is/was a really cool OS. Not widely used, but has a very loyal following. It has a journaling filesystem like OS Xwill have. It's not UNIX-based, but does have a shell so it feels like a UNIX system. And it's extremely fast. Somewhere on osnews.com there was a great write in the early days of OS X by someone who switched from the dying BeOS to OS X. Do a search for it.

I'm running BeOS R5 right now on a second PC on my desk. Look pretty damn cool, but I just started playing with it an hour ago.
Originally posted by Giaguara
anyone for a coffee? monster, wakeuuup...?
I'm awake... Hey, why don't YOU wake up? :D Watched a few movies tonight, to get the boredom out... The Mask of Zorro, Godzilla, Born on the 4th of july and Scarlet letter... Was nice. Damn shit pain I can't stand anymore though. Grrrmmmbbbllgggmmmggrrr. Bah, Yeah, Gia, coffee with LOADS of Jack in it please!

Be/Os, cool Os indeed... One I miss is NeXT, was hella cool! Wonder if it's still possible to find it somewhere...
I'm not suprised you couldn't stand anymore after watching Scarlet Letter :p

Well... NeXT became NeXTStep, which then spawned OpenStep, which lumbered its way into Rhapsody, which evolved into Mac OS X....so you're using a decendant of it, in a way. ;)
Originally posted by The MokXnster

Be/Os, cool Os indeed... One I miss is NeXT, was hella cool! Wonder if it's still possible to find it somewhere...

Sure it is. For for what hardware? You can get NeXT slabs/cubes fairly cheap on eBay and such. A friend of mine has a slab that he just started messing with again. If I had the room I would get one myself.
Okay, awake here... Coffee? Latte, anyone? What should I do with this JD bottle? :confused: ...
NeXT, .. maybe we should get a NeXT box here in the bar ..
here androo, one nice big juicy steak. i like to grill. in fact i'm planning on barbeque beef ribs tonight. i should have enough to share a few with whoever is around. :D
Originally posted by Darkshadow
I'm not suprised you couldn't stand anymore after watching Scarlet Letter :p

Well... NeXT became NeXTStep, which then spawned OpenStep, which lumbered its way into Rhapsody, which evolved into Mac OS X....so you're using a decendant of it, in a way. ;)
I was talking about my leg pain! :P
Yeah, I know the NeXT story too, I used it a few years back... :) I liked it a lot! I'll check it out on eBay... Now if I could only get some more $$$, I'd buy a Mac that could run OS X first! :(

Oh, Giaguara, give it to us, yeah and thanks for sharing arden, I really need it!

Finishing that movie marathon I'm doing since yesterday night, gonna end it with Total Recall, been a long time I watched it. I liked Scarlet letter a lot, I found it pretty good...

Yeah EdX, I'm in, that would sure be great!

So, how's everybody tonight?