Herve's Bar & Grill

I don't even remember mine. It was two years ago. I don't even remember what I had for dinner last night. :p

Whatever it was, it was probably either in the programming section or the Unix section. I dimly remember asking about something in the programming section, and around the same time, giving someone some advice about something in the unix section, but I don't remember which was first.

The layout was different then, too, so who knows where the post might be at now? Heh
Hey hey ... any apple margaritas for you guys? :D (crushed ice and apple slices, then some tequila to the over 21, those under some tonic water)
Aw be nice to him... It must have sucked to get completely ignored though. I can't remember my first post - but is there a way to discover it? Or does everyone just remember after posting thousand's of times what they're first posts were...
Androo: you obviously edited it out. If you've changed your mind on that post and want to keep it to yourself, then I diddun-see-nuthin.

Ricky: to quote the great Hervoroski who was, is and will always be the surreal poet of this bar and grill;
"One monkey is eating a banana. The other is falling over it."