Herve's Bar & Grill

Ah well... T-Minus 15 minutes! Here comes WWDC! I hope apple updates their homepage with the results promptly, because in an hour I gotta go play tennis - wanna see all this before then :^)
Ah, you learn to get along without it. I lost my 'net connection for about a year and a half...between the beginning of October, 2001 till the beginning of February, 2003.

Actually, it was quite nice, as I found out I had really been burning myself out. Didn't realize it until I couldn't get online. I did miss the board though.

I got lots of stuff accomplished while I was away, too. :D
:^( no laptops...any hope of them announcing it this summer? Before school? Just to give me confirmation that it's something worth waiting for...
Originally posted by voice-
:^( no laptops...any hope of them announcing it this summer? Before school? Just to give me confirmation that it's something worth waiting for...

My bet is Apple Expo in Paris - that's where the next keynote is held ;)
I am back!!!
well... in and out actually, came in for a shot of vodka before I go back to work ;)

man, I saw the new G5s and I am drooling :eek:
omg...I saw AdmiralAK's name and freaked out! Long time no-see buddy! And yes, the G5s do require a bucket.
Originally posted by ksv
My bet is Apple Expo in Paris - that's where the next keynote is held ;)

But now rumors are that apple will keep g4's in powerbooks... Bad move apple - who wouldn't kill for a 1.8ghz 17 incher?
Check macrumors.com's newest story.
I don't know if it's a good move or a bad move yet, but a nice glass of cider would be ok about now! The G4 would make a good entry level machine.....
Well now I'm holding my breath trying to figure out if I should by a PB now or wait to see if a G5 version is coming... but I don't want to wait till my hair goes grey! :p :)
Personally I will stick to my G3 B&W for the time being. The thing STILL kicks arse, and it does what I want it to do within a reasonable amount of time. I am at work most of the day (with my G4) and after work I hang out with the girl, so even if I bought a G5 now it wouldnt get much playtime :)

If a G5 PB came out...well, I might reconsider ;)
Originally posted by ksv
My bet is Apple Expo in Paris - that's where the next keynote is held ;)
When is this? Christmas is too late :(
I'll prolly buy around the end of August...
Originally posted by Androo
harry potter.
I read a book once, it was good. Not the best i've read, but definately good, fun and easy to read.
But it didn't deserve the hype at all, and I started hating it once I saw Harry Potter shampoo in the store, Harry Potter trading cards and the Harry Potter movie...that's not caring for quality, that's sucking money from kids...
I would have a lot more respect for Rowling if she had donated some of that money to some kind of literacy program. The books are excellent, there is no doubt that they deserve every ounce of praise they get but it has gone too far and she's rich enough.

Now that I'm on my soapbox, why don't other succesful artists, I'm thinking musicians mainly, donate money to help other struggling artists..... Hmm, I think the world needs me to tell successful people what they should do with their money! ;)
yaaaa! all rich people should help the less fortunate!
it would slightly even things out. Though life isnt fair usually, and it always works out that way, it can be. People just arent letting this be.
Why am i still here?
voice, the expo in paris is around mid september - if i remember right it starts maybe 13th sept (should be monday anyway) ... and you know steve enjoys pulling out rabits of his ihat. it's too early to think what else's going to be out by then..
If you get appointed to that slot, Ugg, get 'em to send me some cash. :D

Hopefully G5 powerbooks, Gia. I want to get a laptop, but with the G5s out...wanna get one of them.

I really miss my old laptop.
Ahhhhh... I got my iPod yesterday, and got it all set up and have been listening it to the last few hours. GOD THIS IS A NICE MACHINE! I got dirt all over the poor thing shoveling, but it's nice and clean right now. But again, what a perfect thing! I am so happy about it, and too think I was about to not buy it.
:^) !