Herve's Bar & Grill

I know, and I'll also have to tell him "Hey man, you can't run the memory and cpu-hungry OSX on this old machine(Blue G4 450MHz). I'm gonna need a new G4. Tell ya what, make it a dual, for twice the productivity."
Originally posted by habilis
ugg: nothing loaded except a white screen, but then again I'm at work right now and on OS9 and using an old explorer version. Could be me. I'll check when I get home.
yeah ugg me too in safari i get a nice little error. fix that link!
You gotta give it a little time, it worked fine for me when I clicked on it again in Safari. The page is blank for awhile AND the address is UNhighlighted. If you're on a slow connection, I would give it about a minute or so. It's worth it though...
haha ok i guess it works just fine, but the first time i tried it safari gave me an error message honest to god. it was hard to look at the windows xp enviroment for so long though, pure torture that was ;^)
Hey, I'll only "pay" for your drink. You have to order from the bartender.

Someone should put up a post about what people think of Metallica's new sound: awesome, pretty good, could be better, or it sucks.
Originally posted by arden
Someone should put up a post about what people think of Metallica's new sound: awesome, pretty good, could be better, or it sucks.

Metallica? Pffffttt
My friends and I lost respect for them to the point where we don't care if they fell off the face of the earth. :rolleyes: :p
I can't even listen to KROC cuz of them! >:(
Well, then, put up a poll, and vote for the worst option.

Why'd you lose respect, from St. Anger?
Originally posted by JohnnyV
They think I might have appendicitis

Prayer/positive thoughts are appreciated

That doesn't sound very cool. There is at least a quick cure for it. Or, well, I don't know how easy it is to get the operation in the US unless you have some fat insurance.

I wish you well - and hope it turns out to be something else.
Norwegians and their state provided health care plans... I wish I could get all my medical expenses provided by the US gov't!
Well, I to the doctor today and he sent me to the hospital for blood tests. Thankfully we have a good insurance plan through Honda that covers most all of the costs. They decided not to remove my appendix just yet, because they think my body is going to be able to fight it off. However, I'm still in a large amount of pain, and hoping it doesn't rupture.

I like I said prayer and positive energy/thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by JohnnyV
Well, I to the doctor today and he sent me to the hospital for blood tests. Thankfully we have a good insurance plan through Honda that covers most all of the costs. They decided not to remove my appendix just yet, because they think my body is going to be able to fight it off. However, I'm still in a large amount of pain, and hoping it doesn't rupture.

I like I said prayer and positive energy/thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Take it from someone who's appendix burst on him. Keep a good handle on things and if you wake up one morning with a slight fever for no apparent reason, GET TO A HOSPITAL! My appendix burst almost killed me. That morning I feel a little hot and was running a ever so slightly higher than normal fever. Luckily it burst in school and they were able to get me to a hospital for emergency surgery.
Um..and if it stops hurting all of a sudden, call an ambulance or something quick. Most likely means your appendix just burst.
wtf!? i just noticed! i am back on macosx.com..... i wanted to leave and stuff cuz i was busy. ok, anyway, GOODBYE. why do i stay here? I say crazy things, for a laugh, and i dont wanna disturb your lovely conversations anymore. GOOOOOOOODBYYYEEE MACOSXers!