Herve's Bar & Grill

What about a trashcan? You should make an incinerator or something, and when it's got stuff in it flames appear inside.
yea i made like 10 more things... i've done nearly all of em, and a CD thing. I'll be making the trash can later... cool idea, i'll use it!
i started to do the incinerator, and then i though it looked like a microwave..... so i am making a microwave, when it has files inside, it shows chicken.
white it is!
look at it all so far, i am almost done! a few that i am missing...


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i gotta make the desktop thingy, library, computer, HD, and the rest of the discs (dvds, CD-Rs, but the floppys i'll leave).
You should make the file and document icons look different, I don't like how the disc is blurred (looks like a UFO :p), and that doesn't look like a chicken to me :)

I like the Home and favorites icons though.
Yay! Post #1000! Drinks for everyone, your choice (but you'll need to show ID).

Androo: An incinerator would look like a furnace. I too think you should lay off the blurring of the icons. My vision's bad enough, I don't need your icons giving me a new prescription. :)

If you want chicken...
arden: please pour me a double of Crown Royal - straight up - and a Molsen Golden to chase that bad boy.

On a totally unrealted note: I just remembered how cool the movie Brazil is, I gotta get that DVD sooner or later.
1001 ... dang! i hope i'm not late for the party arden! i need a drink too, especially tonite... ;) cheers!
i hit 400 post count today
wooooo i would buy everyone drinks but then i am sub twenty one. lemonades for everyone, mabye i can sneak a beer home at night when my parents are sleepin. if i do its all you guys'!
Congratulations, Arden, I think.

And looking at the post counts, I think I'm starting to realise why Androo has been going crazy with his posts lately. He's now at 973. Don't get carried away Androo, you'll be at 1000 before you know it. ;-)
androo: your folders are a little too thin. go check out the icons at www.iconfactory.com (Candybar icons). Think fat and juicy.

ugg: nothing loaded except a white screen, but then again I'm at work right now and on OS9 and using an old explorer version. Could be me. I'll check when I get home.
That reminds me. Our IT guy still refuses to upgrade us to OSX. He says he won't do it until we absolutely have to. In other words, until they make Quark OSX native. He doesn't like OSX very much at all, and I don't blame him because Apple really isolated their base with this switcher-friendly os. I'm praying for Panther.
Well, you tell that IT manager that Quark is now OS X!! Well, at least it will be next week. You can preorder now at the Apple Store