Herve's Bar & Grill

Yes probably, chop very small... like a milkshake... BTW I never tried cool... maybe good in Granata too.
To mince.

That sounds really good; I'm not sure what I'm doing this Halloween (besides working :(), so I don't know what I'll be able to have or make. I did have a pumpkin-flavored smoothie at Jamba Juice recently, though, which was quite tasty.
Mince, chop ... sounds same for me, I think I understand under the lines what he means. I will try :)

What kind of foods do you folks have for Halloween period? I'm curious, I have no traditions to that .. and I see the pumpkins etc, trying to figure if I can use the pumpkin interior for something and exterior for decoration and so on ... looks like next friday there will be a lot (of non-geek) to see...
I'm working 6-11 p.m. on Halloween... at least I get to dress up. I'll probably borrow one of the pirate hats we sell at the redemption counter.
Halloween is overrated! At best it's a good excuse to go out at 1 and do some high school mischief, but there are better excuses then Halloween.
And college! College : Christmas :: High School : Halloween.
You even spell Halloween really funny!
milk is real bad for you - when it's pasteurized. buy real milk, from your local organic food store (or don't drink it at all (calcium orange juice baby!) I don't know how milk got to be such a big part of the american diet, but it certainly doesn't belong there.)
Tadaa! (brings to the bar a huge pile of prints, colors etc ... and starts to cut out her super scary halloween mask of the print of http://www.forbes.com/static_html/halloween/gates.shtml ) ... (and puts the espressomachine and coolers back on, cleans the desk and puts the signs on too after the power failure.)

Soo... I know what I should wear for halloween ... :D Anyone for some tea?
I'll take a tea!
Halloween == free candy, that's about it.
I don't drink milk except for on cereal, and sometimes at breakfast if there is nothing else. I just don't like it.
Most of the milk we drink is from powder, because with eight people you can finish a gallon at a couple of meals, and milk is soooo damn expensive now... :(
I used to drink it 24/7 when I was about 10 years younger, my 2 1/2 year old brother still does.
Halloween is more than getting candy. :p

arden, I have to work 11pm to 7:15 AM, starting Monday night through Friday night. Off Saturday & Sunday night.

Somehow, I got lucky and was allowed off tomorrow night, so I can have fun after all. Heh
I really want a job. You guys got any good tips to help me go out there and get one? I've been waiting for my third reference to call me back. I should see him tomorrow and be able to get his address. So then my application will be done and I can turn it in and hopefully get the job right off the bat, but otherwise who has some great tips to help me polish the competition?
mr. K said:
I really want a job. You guys got any good tips to help me go out there and get one? I've been waiting for my third reference to call me back. I should see him tomorrow and be able to get his address. So then my application will be done and I can turn it in and hopefully get the job right off the bat, but otherwise who has some great tips to help me polish the competition?
Apply, apply, apply. Then apply some more. Then, when you feel like you've applied to enough places, go out and apply to the places you don't think you'd like working at so much, like fast food restaurants. You are much more likely to get a minimum wage job you hate than a job at a design firm or something. Believe me, I've tried.

And ask anybody you know who owns or operates a business if they have any openings; you are much more likely to get a favorable response from somebody you are familiar with than complete strangers. That's how I got my job: the general manager of Funworks is a member of my synogogue, and I've known him for many years.

Start building a good résumé, as well. Once you've been working at a shit job for several months, employers will take a better look at you because you have job experience. You could be the most qualified person for a position and not get the job because you have no previous experience, but if you can put down that you worked register at Burger King for 6 months, they'll know you have skills and experience and are probably a better person for the job.
Dom't hurry arden. doing everything quick you may as well get a burnout at 20+ years. not worth it.

damn bill mask. i cant see what i type. :D