Herve's Bar & Grill

I just got one of the new G4 iBooks. This thing is nice :)

I could only afford the low end one, but it's still great. Heck, it's faster than my desktop is. :p

Now, I just need to get Airport for both.... :D
Congrats darkshadow! I'm looking into getting one of those...well...I guess I'm "dreaming" of getting one of those. ;)

Oh and for everybody: It won't be long now.

*You'll see what I mean in a couple days. :)
Thanks! I've been wanting another laptop for the last three years. Heh

BTW, anyone know how long a Firewire cord can be before the connection over it starts degrading? I'm using the IP over Firewire capabilities until I can afford to get a couple of Airport cards.
Cheers nervus! I need something with no coffeine .. and that does not react bad with ibuprofen. Just came home from funerals .. all my body hurts. I need something relaxing before I'll be able to fall asleep.
More than one funeral? Ouch.

Try watching something on TV, that may relax you some....or read something, if you happen to like reading.
Ups, funeral is singular in English? Back from one funeral. Confused. Funerali > funerals with the brain in sleep mode ..
Yeah, me too - dreaming about my mac's. I hope to have enough money by the time I go to college to buy a student developer kit and then a 12" powerbook :^) I'm so excited even if it's probably at least a year and a half away...
Airport, backlit keyboard, built in lap warmer...
geez, between me reading, then writing and posting four other posts came up!
And I sure wish I knew another language well enough I could confuse it with english... That would be cool.
Yeah, I'm planning on going back to school sometime soon. Which is one reason I got the iBook....but I'll be honest and say it wasn't even one of the top reasons. :D

Well, if you study another language enough, you'll get to that position. The French teacher at my high school was like that - he knew four languages (not counting English) fluently, and sometimes said something in another language without meaning to. He told us he often thinks in another language - now that's knowing it thoroughly!
Darkshadow said:
Yeah, I'm planning on going back to school sometime soon. Which is one reason I got the iBook....but I'll be honest and say it wasn't even one of the top reasons. :D

Well, if you study another language enough, you'll get to that position. The French teacher at my high school was like that - he knew four languages (not counting English) fluently, and sometimes said something in another language without meaning to. He told us he often thinks in another language - now that's knowing it thoroughly!

The only way to learn/speak a foreign language fluently is to think in it. Otherwise you're constantly translating.
yeah, and really the only way to learn a foreign language is to completely immerse yourself in it for a time, as much as an hour a day of french does me I can only imagine how much better I could speak french if I lived in france for a time.
Or had a French speaking girl friend who didn't speak any English. :D

One of my Italian friends had a Portuguese boy friend. She complained all the time that Luis never spoke Portuguese to her ... but just his Italiando/Italiano/Italian...
Just live in the language - how can you not start to think it and speak it fluently. They should make all the schools semi-immersion schools, teaching half in english and half in some other language (english in the US at least...).
home sick and first snow of the season this morning! I love snow!
http://kao.sytes.net/img/11.2.snowfall/ Look at the jpegs I scaled them to 800x500, the png's are full size and 4mb each.
And can someone tell me if the site works? I haven't been able to get at it from school, but then I can w3.org validate all the pages I have. I think my school might just have a hardcore firewall.
I was pretty excited this morning ;^)
And did it take a real long time to load them? They were about 500k and I have no idea what my upstream bandwidth is. Are there any apps I can use to flood the connection and see how much it can take?
Your site timed out for me. (I got a timeout! ;))

And a belated happy birthday, guys. Sorry I didn't wish you well earlier, but I was too busy to get on.