You can't beat the Scandinavians for weird names for sweets, tho'. My particular fave is "Måsskit", "Seagull sh1t". Can you imagine it: walking into a shop and asking for a packet of Seagull Sh1t!? ::ha::
Recovered well, thanks! But I easily fatigue: can work but at snail speed
OTOH: it could have been much worse, so: beer for everyone. For me a Westmalle Triple (Belgian)...
Good morning from Miami. Everyone here is up (wife and two kids). Would anyone like some scrambled eggs, toast with butter, and some coffee? The fam loves it on Saturdays and my wife swears by my scrambled eggs (and not just because she's my wife).
They just got the most phenomenal leather clothing I have seen anywhere as well for males as for females. Not just S&M but normal every day wear like jackets and such.
Anyone fancy a nice hot drink? Hot white chocolate with espresso?
Winters make me insanely tired ... lack of sunlight, and cold air just sucks.. today felt really cold and wintery out there, even though it was maybe 8 c / 50 f out there. I had winter clothes and was still freezing. So now .. relaxing with cartoons and old movies.. and hoping weekends would be longer.