Herve's Bar & Grill

Oh, goshy. Haven't read those questions. APP is a status salespersons can reach in Apple's Sales Training Online. I found the title appealing, so I had to take those tests.
Cheers! I'm at work. So I guess I can't really join right now. I'll have an absinthe after work, then.
Hey, it's chillax time and I have a wonderful bottle of Banana Bread beer in front of me.

Bliss homie!

Rhisiart, WTF your thingy is all red? Better have another Banana Bread ....

Edit ... the square thingy to the right side of your avatar ...
I don't know why Rhisiart's rep sqaure is red, but here is an explanation of the color coding:


And this is Scotts explanation of the reputation system:

Anyone can give them (or take them away). If you click on the "REP" button at the right hand side in the Post Header (shows date of post), you can add REP. You just type comments on why your doing it. This has been around in VB, but just turned it on. Currently, the feedback is hidden from view, but can be set to be viewed if folks would prefer that.

I recommend giving points to people who post quality posts, helped you out, or posted helpful information. We can promote this more on the site if people are interested in this aspect of the site.
Well, all this is new to me. However, my User CP now includes this:


Looks like I have been told off. Mind you, I am a feckin' idiot.

I gave you some rep points so you don't have that red sqaure anymore.

And no, you're not. :)

PS: Where in the User CP did you find that? I can't find a similar place in mine...

EDIT: Never mind I found it!
Well, all this is new to me. However, my User CP now includes this:.
Whoa, it seems rather off to me, to put it politely. I think you being given that rating says rather more about the other person than it does about you...

And I agree: you're certainly not an idiot! :)
I have always thought a little self-deprecation can lighten things up a bit in these situations (although my wife does think I am a feckin' eejut at times).

I think a private message ticking me off would have been more appropriate.
I have always thought a little self-deprecation can lighten things up a bit in these situations
Fair point. (Note to self...)
(although my wife does think I am a feckin' eejut at times).
Well, that's what partners are there for: to remind us of our shortcomings! :D

(On a more serious note, of course, if she's married you, she hardly thinks that of you overall! But I'm sure you know that. ;))

I think a private message ticking me off would have been more appropriate.
I agree. A private message to relay a feeling on the issue, or even to initiate a discussion between the two of you, would have been much better. Taking away rep points seems a little petty.