Herve's Bar & Grill

BlingBling, it comes with 10.1.3 preinstalled and a CD to reinstall it if you ever need to (but not the Blue X disk, it's a grey "iMac OS X restore" cd which only works on the LCD iMac)
Blingbling, you shock yourself with 115 volts for fun? That can't be good for you in the long run :).

Oh and I hope you get the order soon! :)
i've never done it for FUN... but it has happened on accident a few times when we were renovating our house and i was looking for the light switch...

and i haven't ordered yet, but i will soon (do you have to be 18 or older to apply for financing?)
:p LOL

wow, i have really enjoyed everyone's shocking stories. now i don't feel quite as foolish knowing that i have company, even if most of you were pre-teens at the time. :P

I exchanged the pump that shocked me and got a smaller one with less power. i set it up today and had my hands in and out of the water with no problem so hopefully that problem is solved. i am going to eventually install a 'ground force interupter circuit'(gfic) like it is supposed to have. that would shut off the power if there is a power leak. but so far no problems with the new pump. But i do think i will go back to being overly cautious when it comes to electricity. you should have seen me testing the surface of the water with the tip of my finger.:D

We got a lot of work done today and i must go buy some lumber tomorrow before we can get much further. but i expect half the patio to be done by monday.

BB - glad to hear your good news. too bad it had to be a wait. believe me you will enjoy having the extra money and you can use some of it to buy add ons as you realize if you would really get any use out of them. not to mention software that you want.
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
for a sorta weird feeling shock....
and i've done this tons of times...

take the cover off of your light switch and touch the side near the cord... it's fun! :D

it really doesn't hurt that much, but it does give you one hell of a shock... if you go near a tv, the colors change on the tube!

Ever tried that in Europe? 230 V, you feel the diference :rolleyes:
OK, here are a couple of ways to get an electrical shock;

4,5 V -Place the - and + poles of a flat battery on your tongue.
9 V -Do the same as above with a 9V battery. If you try it with 4,5 V first, you probably don't want to try this.
60 V -Take the print board out of your phone and hold your hand on the back side of it while someone calls you.
115/230 V -Make a male-male power supply cable and play a little with it.
A couple of kVs -Imagine an electical fence is a drum, and play on it with copper drumsticks.
20-30 kV -take the transformator out of a TV or tube monitor and connect power to it. You'll find out the rest yourself.

Please refer to the disclamier below :D
ed - i also think that if you installed os x on your pool system you would have no problems, maybe a little slow water drainage/filling.
wow, I have only gotten shocked by a 9v battery :p
I guess that makes me lucky ;)

tonite -- DJ Admiral at Herve's bar & grille ;)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
wow, I have only gotten shocked by a 9v battery :p
I guess that makes me lucky ;)

tonite -- DJ Admiral at Herve's bar & grille ;)

Shocked by a 9 V battery? Whah, I only though that was possible if you put it on your tongue, I've never tried that :p
Wow, Xoot, I didn't realize you actually had less posts than I did... I guess all us MacOSX.com newbies are more visible to other members than I thought :)

Well, that's kind of funny... I thought you had been here a long time, but I guess I've actually been here longer. :P

So tell me guys, does anyone remember me from other forums, or just this one? I'm around a lot but I'm just wondering if all the 1000-posts users notice anyone who's new here... because on the MacAddict forums I don't think anyone ever even noticed new users at all :D

Congrats for reaching 100, Xoot! :)
I wouldn't call you a newbie anymore. After a certain point posts counts don't really matter. Except when you are one of the big guys (admiral, ed, simx, herve, testuser etc.) then you are noticed :)
Heh, I only have 330 or so, and I've been registered since July 2001 or something like that :-p

Of course, I never started posting until January or so, after I had got my new TiBook and started actually using OS X :)

AK: The weekend is here, but will soon be gone :( I can't wait till Spring Break, two more weeks, then a week off of school! Of course, this week was a four day weekend because of Easter, and I had all of last week off because of pneumonia, but you can never have enough days off of school :D
Originally posted by nkuvu
The answer to the question "Where is everyone?" is that I have been here, sitting in front of my lovely new iMac, wondering why the heck Intuit can't make Quicken import Windows version Quicken files.... Arrrrgh.
You porbably should have read this first...

You also may find more details here.