Aw, plants are plants. They all need some sun, and they all need some water. That's all you ned to know, right?
I completely forgot that it's Easter until I was already out. I normally have a thing against going to stores on holidays. I mean, I want it off, so why shouldn't everyone else get it off?
Part of this comes from my ex-wife, but another part comes from when I worked in a video store. On holidays, I would almost always work. Not because I wanted to, but because I was a po' college stoodent and needed the mula. So we'd get tons of business, primarily because everyone's family was in town and no one could think of what to do with Great Aunt Bertha. So they'd come to rent a movie (the theaters were right around the corner, and they were also packed). Then they would all go on and on about how "it must be
terrible to work on a holiday. You poor clerk you. Tsk tsk, the managers here must be awful. I can't believe they make you work on (Christmas/Thanksgiving/Easter/Brussels Sprouts Day/whatever)." Eventually you just want to slap them silly. "
Hey, you! If you weren't in here paying my wages, I
wouldn't be here on a holiday! If the store made no profit on holidays, they wouldn't be
I'm not about to say that
everything should be closed on holidays. *dials 911* "I'm sorry, the hospital is closed for the day. Try again tomorrow". But there are some things that definitely don't need to be open...
Anyway, that's my holiday rant. And I am worse than anyone I mentioned in the above statement, because
1: I believe in what I said and
2: I went out to the grocery store, bought dog food, and rented a video. Of course, I never mentioned how much I pity the holiday workers. Because I didn't even remember...