Herve's Bar & Grill

I"m there. Medium on the burger, with a coke.

Wait....Do we even have a kitchen? Do we even have a cook??

Well who am I kidding, I imagine that my imaginary burger could be cooked in a kitchen that was never imagined, by a person who was never thought of.:D

Good episodeof the simpsons tonight, anyone watch?
Yea... where Homer rents out his wife? LOL! Very funny! Loved it... didn't catch the end of it... I turned to watch Women's Snowboarding on the Olympics.
hey, i'll throw burgers on if you want but you sure you don't want this pizza i just pulled out of the oven? free rootbeer with the pizza.

sorry you guys were so busy this weekend. i am about to get busy. i have about 3 hrs to get 2 big pictures matted, eat dinner and take a shower. and something else i think but it's not coming to me right now.

so if you want burgers and stuff, fix 'em yourself. otherwise help yourself to the pizza:D
To answer your question; we DID have a kitchen until this morning, when BlingBling and Herve decided to mix up some hangover-busters, and destroyed half the building.
In the meantime, all our imaginary food is coming from the replicators on Star Trek. Today's special: Klingon Blood-stew.
ok, anybody wants anything from the replicator, you can place your orders with symphonix. i never could figure out how to work the blasted thing.:D
You might as well leave that bottle down, Ed. I think this could be the beginning of a session. Or the middle of a session. I'll just stick to the beer nuts I think - if I eat too much it'll slow down my drinking.

Ed - I'm a mean bartender, but I'm a bit drunk at the moment. Can I start tomorrow?
sure, on both accounts Tismey.

notice one and all, Tismey is hereby hired as bartender, As soon as he sobers up, order your drinks at the bar from him. of course once he gets behind the bar he may never sober up, so...

btw tismey, is it you i see hanging out at roxio from time to time? i figured there aren't a lot of tismey's in the world (at least not in mine) so i assumed it was you. i never seem to remember to go check out those forums on a regular basis. but then i have been having pretty good luck with my burner lately (knock on particle wood).
Nope, not me as far as I know, which means there's an impostor out there somewhere. I've only had the Lacie burner since just before Christmas, and done ALL my burning from either the Finder or iTunes (you gotta love it), so haven't needed to go there.

And to put your mind at rest, I don't drink whilst behind the bar unless the drinks are bought for me.
Coffee pazalusta! Need some caffeeine before my exam :p

As for a kitchen we do have one, and we also have a brick oven to make pizzas more authentic...the cook quit last nite after the V8 + tabasco deal, but we are interviewing more candidates :-)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
ksv - what about it, got time to tend a little bar? sounds like you're a natural. sorry we can't send the dew. i guess you'll just have to start saving for a trip to the states.:D also sounds like you had a little project you can now feel good about:)

Oh yeah, but I'm not sure if I have all the ingredients right now :p
Let's see... I have orange juice, apple juice, milk, Pepsi Max (puke) and Farris (mineral water)... :D Send me some mountain dew and cherry coke (ever tasted that? it's really wheee, but they don't sell that either in norway :p ) and I'll start today. My address is macosx@macosx.com :p

Oh yah, and, if anyone wants some remote HD space or host a web site on my server, just send me a little contribution so I can get a fast SDSL line and start a web hosting business, hehe ;)
ok, how about ksv and tismey split the bartending job. Tismey is in charge of alcohol and ksv is in charge of non-alcoholic drinks.

In the future, demands like "Bartender get me...." should be ignored. Address them politely by name and perhaps they will serve you quicker. (yea yea, i'll get your coffee this time:p )

I'm just waiting for the guy to come by about the sun room we are adding on in the back. He was supposed to be here an hour and a half ago. I guess since we already gave him the 1st check, we are now down the priority list:rolleyes:
OK, but please include your full nickname and table number... uhm, IP address in your orders :rolleyes:
As Ed mentioned, orders like "get me a beer" or "hey, a cheese burger over here" will be ignored :p

Oh, whee, do you all think I should try to scrape together enough cash to get a 1 Mbit SDSL line and run an apache/darwin based web server on my PowerMac? Tell me if you want to contribute, and I'll give you a gig or two on my HD if that project becomes reality :cool:

This must be the first virtual Bar & Grill ever... Hervé should be proud :D
I'll have a glass of dihydrogen monoxide. Make it on the rocks. I have to drive the rest of my drunken college buddies back home.

Who is the janitor? We got quite a mess in the bathroom after last night. :D Who ever did it was eating Skittles, its very colorful. :D

What do you want Timsey? Its on me...and the ceiling...and the floor...and...... :D ;)
So, who's next?

Sorry if I left you in the lurch a bit there ksv - it would appear that TypeIt4me conflicts with something on my system (thought it was Fire, but no...) and makes 'shift' get stuck on...

Anyway, if that offer's still open I'll get a single malt, thanks Lessthanmighty.

And it's T-I-S-M-E-Y, guys. If we're going to do the addressing by name thing, let's get it right...

I have a Manhattan here, whose was that?
A cool story about dihydrogen monoxide....

It, like you would expect, has no taste whatsoever. In fact, it's the least refreshing thing ever. There is no taste, so you might as well be breating air, because it doesn't even feel wet. Seconds after you drink it, you cannot tell that you have just consumed water.

Weird stuff, yet I drink it anyway....
Well, Klink lives in Queens, that's pretty close to Manhattan, so maybe it was his.;)

if you don't see him anywhere, check the bathroom. btw - the bathroom is clean now. it took a bit longer than i expected because i got caught up just staring at all the colors from the skittles. nicest mess i ever cleaned up. almost found it a shame to get rid of.:(

also i would advise against drinking the dihydrogen monoxide most places in calif unless you buy it in a bottle. Lots of stuff that doesn't belong there coming out of the faucet. it's great for watering plants - no need to buy special plant food:p