Herve's Bar & Grill

So, Kjetil, how'd you like the movie(Karate Kid 3)? I'm guessing you saw it seeing you posted right after it was done...
Originally posted by voice-
So, Kjetil, how'd you like the movie(Karate Kid 3)? I'm guessing you saw it seeing you posted right after it was done...

Hehe, no, I didn't, I just didn't have anything else to do :)
Which channel?
Originally posted by voice-
TV3, part of "Du velger filmen"...I saw the last part since nothing was happening here at the time...

Ah, I don't have any luxuries like that ;)
Did you see the Star Wars movies on NRK, BTW?
Here's a minty chewy thingy for that cough of yours, it sounds bad, ever thought of seing a professional? I can give you the number of a good vet.
Gee, since I've really gotten back into the Marathon thing...
How bout I make a Marathon Infinity Herves B & G... It could be fun.
I don't have any major projects coming up, so whatta u guys think?
Originally posted by macguy17
Gee, since I've really gotten back into the Marathon thing...
How bout I make a Marathon Infinity Herves B & G... It could be fun.
I don't have any major projects coming up, so whatta u guys think?
Yeah... I guess that tabletop Mz. Pacman in the corner is a little dated.

An fully modern Herve's B&G game room would be cool.
Nooo! No poker machines!
No instant-lottery or virtual-dog-races!

We want quality !

I'd like to set up a Tepanyaki restaurant in the old Windows fan-club meeting hall. It might take some time to sweep out the spiders, but hey...

Now, I'm off to find a chef's hat for my monkey avatar!
I wonder....what color does a Smurf turn when you strangle him???

A bread with butter always lands on the butter side. A cat always lands on the feet. What if I put butter on the back of my cat?

all these question...
And then I said, why WOULDN'T ketchup be better if it was bright green? What's the real reason it's red? I think it's a conspiracy. They don't want you to know that it's supposed to be green. Just like a color PDA. Green. On an Apple II. Green. Like the XBox. Green. Maybe that's why Microsoft isn't selling them. They're supposed to be red.

If I noted that my scanner appears ready to strangle my guitar, what conclusion would you draw from that?

Sometimes the oldest medicine is the syrupiest.

What a minute... this isn't the incessant rambling thread? Aw, shucks, we need to make one.
When mankind discovered that cows give milk...what did mankind do at that moment?

Why don't do sheeps contract when it rains?

Why do you secure a coffin with nails?

What do sheeps count, when they can't sleep?

When a taxidriver brings you home with the reverse-gear, does he have to give YOU money?

When do blind people know that they are finished with wiping their ass?

I am exactly one step before turning crazy....
seriously, these are the questions which keep me from falling asleep night after night...maybe I should see a psychatrist...where is Ed anyway???

Just kidding, Ed :D

in the dark and dusty places of my brain I seem to remember that you had something to do with psychology...