Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by ulrik

A bread with butter always lands on the butter side. A cat always lands on the feet. What if I put butter on the back of my cat?

Funniest answer I've ever heard to that question: the PETA would be on your ass in a minute.

-the valrus
Originally posted by ulrik
seriously, these are the questions which keep me from falling asleep night after night...maybe I should see a psychatrist...where is Ed anyway???

Oddly enough, I was just talking to my parents about how my therapist was not helping me in any way and that I should stop going because it costs a fortune and at least for me it appears utterly useless... lol
Here i am. I was just checking out symphonix's progress on his new restraunt decor. nice place so far. ;)

yes, i am a grad student in psychology. not to be confused with a real psychologist or a psychiatrist of any kind:D ( i believe in solving problems, not medicating them)

Blue, perhaps you should look for a different therapist first. I don't know why you are in therapy and i don't want to know. there are lots of good reasons to see a therapist. I haven't been seeing mine lately, but i plan to resume before too long. still, finding the right therapist for you is important. If this one isn't helping for whatever reason, try another. We are just people and sometimes we match our clients and sometimes we don't. Finding the right match is one of the most important parts of getting good therapy started. If your therapist isn't someone you feel you can trust, or they aren't engaged enough in the session, or they just don't get you, then move on to another. Believe me, there are plenty of lousy therapists out there. but there are also plenty of good ones. you just need to find one that is comfortable for you.

Choosing therapy and a therapist is something that has a lot of variables. it might even be helpful if you talked about this with your current therapist. it might even make a good test of them. a good therapist would talk about all the things you should consider. a poor one would try to talk you into staying their client.
ulrik - a couple of suggestions for not keeping yourself up half the night thinking. I used to have a real problem with that.

Do something very mindless as the last thing before you go to sleep. I like to play solitaire or watch something really stupid on tv. Just don't do anything that requires you to think. reacting is ok, but thinking is bad at that point. that way you dont have anything in your head to have continue processing. in other words, you want to be running your brain on os 9 at sleep time - one task at a time. not osx where a whole set of tasks may be cued up and alternating for stability.

or to simplify, just do anything that will disengage you from thinking about things, particularly problems and problem solving. Everyone has their own favorite distractions. just find one that suits you. This is my advice based on my personal experience. please do not in anyway consider it professional advice.:cool:
Good advice about the sleeping thing.. I have that problem myself. I'm only seeing a therapist because my mom, who really NEEDS it, is getting "so much out of it! SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE" that she thinks I should go too. To the best of my knowledge I'm not crushingly depressed or mentally unstable, but hey, maybe I am. Being around crazy people all my life seems to be my lot. :P

Anyway, I'm going to talk to my therapist today about this, I guess. :P I STILL say the whole idea is kind of useless.


Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

or to simplify, just do anything that will disengage you from thinking about things, particularly problems and problem solving. Everyone has their own favorite distractions. just find one that suits you. This is my advice based on my personal experience. please do not in anyway consider it professional advice.:cool:

And once again we think alike, Ed. I tend to do the same when there my head is too full for sleeping. I usually sit down on front of my Mac and start doing stuff...playing games, doing some 3d modelling, posting to for...ah....surfing the web etc until I just fall asleep. This often led to me sleeping in the chair in front of my mac. Now that I have my TiBook, I usually take it to bed and do it their, although this often still doesn't help. I tried reading books but it somehow doesn't take enough of my concentration to stop thinking about stuff...

...but still, I hate these nights when you are tired but just can't sleep since you think about everything...it's often coupled with bad memories, not necesseraly depression, in my case...

than again I suppose every human beeing has this from time to time, depending on how much trouble goes on around him, I wouldn't call this "ill" in any way...then again, I am not a doctor and I never graduated in anything even remotely comparable to medicine...
Who wants one of those new PowerBooks? :D I sure do, but I don't have an extra 3200 or so kicking around still. They'll be flying compared to this now, with a L3 cache and a faster processor, better video card. *sigh* technology moves too fast....
*bounds into the bar with a spring in his step and a twinkle in his eye*

Hello everyone. I see the bar has had something of a makeover in my brief absence.

Tom, I love the look. It's very you.

ksv - I find getting horribly drunk stops me thinking about things at night. You have to make sure it's REALLY REALLY drunk, though, cos otherwise it makes things worse.

Drinks are on me all round, as I have had the best weekend in recent memory and all is right with my world. I must apologise if excessive grinning irritates you in any way.
Actually, thinking at night is good. Especially when you're over-tired or lightly drunk, that'll give you a chance to move forward without being stopped my logic and slow down enough to get the links between key points in your thinking.

You have no idea how many facts of life you'll realise just thinking between your thoughts...
My trick for sleeping is to think about a lot of different things simultaniously. Try it :)
I rarely have problems with sleeping, though, my life is pretty easy at this time.

Isn't 733+800 MHz G4 power enough for you, voice-, eh? :p ;)

Tismey, was that an answer to a post I don't remember or something? :)

I want an eMac :)
Originally posted by ksv
Tismey, was that an answer to a post I don't remember or something? :)

I was following on Ed's answer to youabout something which I assumed you asked but I missed. Maybe it's just the boss man going insane...

Originally posted by bluefusion
Tismey, man, what happened?
That, my friend would be most ungentlmanly of me to divulge. But it happened a lot... ;)
kvs: Nope, not if they can't outrun a portable

tismey: Get me the most expensive thing you've got(since it's on you anyway)
Hmmm... the most expensive thing? Now there's a good pub conversation - if money was no object, what would you drink?

Because I'm having an eighties nostaligia throwback moment, I'll open a bottle of Louis treize brandy (what movie? - there's a packet of peanuts in it for you!) And just to show how money is no object, I'll mix it with ginger ale....
Thanks tismey.
Actually, if money was no issue I'd have a plain beer or a vodka with Sprite, but since you're paying I thought I'd take something more expensive...
Originally posted by voice-
kvs: Nope, not if they can't outrun a portable

it's ksv, not kvs ;)
Connect all your Macs in a cluster via ethernet, and you'll have 1933 MHz ;)

Today I jumped 700 metres on one foot in the gymnastics lesson, after warming up with running the same distance. The last 200 metres weren't very pleasuring :rolleyes:
On thursday I climbed up to my classroom in 2nd floor, on friday I hung my friends bicycle up in a tree :)

Ah, life is good :D
I'm confused, kvs, do you have one strong foot now then? Will you do the other one tomorrow?

I'm watching Braveheart right now(love multitasking), and it's better than I remember...

How do I get all my Macs to act as one? I'd love to have a super-Mac...