Herve's Bar & Grill

I never know when easter is either :p
I look it up ;).
I called my grandmother last weekend and she told me
GrandM: Call me next sunday, I have something to tell you
me: Ah, dont worry, I will call you easter!
GrandM: Next sunday *IS* easter
me: :eek:

lol :p

I have to work tomorrow, sunday I need to do all my math HW and possibly get some divine ideal on how to do my CS HW :p

I hate coming into the bar and finding out that it has been almost a week since I've been here. :(

...I so far behind. What are we talking about? Is tismey still pouring those 'if $ was no object" drinks?

tismey: I guess if $ was no object, then I'd get deeply involved into port, but since I'm a novice I'd like you to pour me one of every port that you've got so that I can start learning which I like best.

All, I just got back from San Diego, and I have to say that this boa is WAY too warm for that climate...

Anyway... HI!
Originally posted by tismey

t-i-S-M-ey... What is it about bartending in this place that makes people put the leters in your name the wrong way round? Any ideas ksv?
Maybe JohneyV was just t-i-P-S-ey?:p
Maybe I didn't have enough iron in my system from drinking too much water (I drink about 1 to 1.5 gallons/3.9-5.6 litres a day) Tommy/Tismey. I don't drink and never plan on drinking alcohol in my life (so far so good I'm 17), my family has a history of alcoholism and I don't plan to get sucked in:D Our school Prom is this saturday, My date asked me, she isn't all that great a person (not going by just looks). Hopefully this will all go well.
Remember... Proms are supposed to be about doing what you want to do... not about doing what others want you to do or doing what you thing you ought to be doing.

Just relax and have fun. :)

Drink the nice bubbly black current flavored water...
Much respect for not drinking my friend. Don't do it if it's not what you want to do. It's your decision and don't let anyone put you down for making it. I know where you're coming from. I'm a sophomore in college, and although I drink now, I was completely straight-edge throughout high school. Do what makes you happy - that's all that matters. Enjoy your prom too, I just went to one last weekend :cool:
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
I'm a sophomore in college, and although I drink now, I was completely straight-edge throughout high school. Do what makes you happy - that's all that matters.

Yeah, me too. I had the straight edge through school - too much Rollins and Minor Threat I guess... But even that becomes a bit like a crutch if you're not careful. There's a Rollins story called 'the Iron' where he talks about how he got into working out, and if you were to go through it and substitute all references to weights ('The Iron') with references to alcohol or drugs, it'd read like the confessions of a confirmed addict. Once I got to Uni, made some good friends and so on I relaxed a bit. It's all about moderation, and even abstinence only works in moderation IMO...
workin on a conference here and the conference started sans problems, thus I have a minute to myself lol.

one thing I hate about summer/spring. The sun rises atg 5:30 AM :p...I wanna sleep more dangnabit:p
forgot to say something :p
even though you might have a lot to do (look at me for example) stop by tonite at the bar & grille for some live music ;) lol DJ Admiral & DJ Klink on the tables ;) (what sayeth thee grandmaster klink? lol :p)

And of course, special musical guest (herve will like this) Samatha Fox and Kylie Minogue ;) (after the performance kylie is mine for an exclusive interview lol :p)

Well, I'm 15 and I have had a grand total of two drinks (neither very heavy) and one dish of Vodka Pasta (which was the strangest thing I have ever tried). I really didn't like it. I plan on not getting anywhere near alcohol in my life, as my family has a history of alcoholism AND I just can't stand the thought of what that stuff is DOING to you.... :P
I see ladies in the station.
It's female attraction.
They turn me on and on.
It's my satisfaction.
They go with me
in the party.
Elles rient
cettes filles.
It's female attraction,
female satisfaction.
Forget the station!
We go on and on.
You laugh at me.
J'aime mieux les autres filles
et je rie
avec elles.
sont belles.
J'aime les filles.
Je les adore.
C'est plus que l'or.
Je ne suis plus jaloux d'elle.
Les autres sont plus belles.
Je ne pense plus à elle.
I see ladies in the station.
It's female attraction.
They turn me on andon.
It's my satisfaction.
They go with me
in the party.
It's female attraction.
I see ladies in the station.
They turn me on and on.
It's my satisfaction.
It's female attraction,
female, female,
female attraction.
And no one even bothered to comment on Herve's 1500 post count? Shame, shame, shame. This is HIS bar and grill, you know.

AHHHHH I'm so tired of this song

I let it in my eyes like an exotic drink
The radio playing songs
That I have never heard
I don't know what to say
Oh not another word
just la la lalalala
It goes around the world
just la la lalala
It's all around the world
just la la lalala
And everybody's singing
just la la lalala
And now the bells are ringing
la la lalala
just la la lalala
la la lalala

Inside an empty room
My inspiration flows
I wait to hear the tune
Around my head it goes
The magic melody
You want to sing with me
Just la la lalala
The music is the key

ARRRRRRGH does anyone else know this song? It's annoying the hell out of me :) It's just.... way too catchy. Songs that catchy should be illegal, cuz they distract people WAY too much :) (j/k)
LOL it's only fair :) From now on, whenever anyone here has a song stuck in their head, they must try to get it stuck in as many other people's heads as well :) Sound good? It's a good way to exact revenge on that song that's annoying the hell out of ya :)

My smiley ratio went way up in the last week... wonder why? LOL suddenly I'm using smileys ALL the time :)

Peace. Out.
I am sitting in the morning
at the diner on the corner
I am waiting at the counter
for the man to pour the coffee
And he fills it only halfway
And before I even argue
He is looking out the window
At somebody coming in

ad nauseam. :rolleyes:

-the valrus
here somebody else take this osng and get it out of my head -

Raindrops keep falling on my head
but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red,
nothing seems to fit, those raindrops keep falling on my head,
they keep falling, because i'm free
nothing's worrying me.....

there's more to it, but that's the part that's stuck:D

and about a renamed show - what do they call..

Quantum Leap
Xena: Warrior Princess
The X-Files
Don't Shoot Me
too to teetoo too to teetoo to to too teetoo to too to.

i have that song it's hype! weee! it's so calming... mmm calming...
Quantum Leap= I dunno, what's it about?
Xena: Warrior Princess= "Xena"
The X-Files= "X-Files"
Don't Shoot Me= Is this the show with Helen Hunt? I'll have to sleep on that one...ksv is probably gonna beat me to it...
x-files I stopped watching after mulder left :p
i probably will see the final few episodes though.

Jag, Andromeda, Star Trek, and Earth Final COnflict are the meat and potatoes of what I watch lol ;) Dark Angel too! did anyone see it last nite?

I missed EFC today due to work:(...oh well there will be reruns in the summer :p -- with my luck it will be on when I am in greece and I will miss it again he he he :)
