Herve's Bar & Grill

After last night's crazy party my ISP would not let me log on till now :p lol ... this stinks :p :p
then again I am half done with my greek translation so I got some work done ;)

At this pace I will be done with my web site in 2 weeks :p :D
Time enough for some minor feedback before I leave for greece :)

btw -- if you like "international" (non english lyrics) dance music check out Auymi Hamasaki ;)

Apoptygma Berzerk - Until The End of The World (Dark Club Mix)

anywhoo... well after a rough night, i'm back in the b & g... apparently i was talking online to satanicpoptart about the influence of alcohol on myself at the time - beats me - heh

so anyway, the story of the day:

earlier today my friend steve was frying oil to make donuts. he covered the oil pan, and forgot about it. it started smoking, so he brought it outside. when he opened it, it burst into flames. he dropped the pan, and the oil splattered on his feet. once we got all the fires out, we realized that he had 2nd degree burns all over his feet. So we decide to go to the ER at a local hospital. The hospital is 20 minutes away, but it took us maybe an hour to get there, because we were caught behind a gay pride parade of all things, and the road blocks made it hard to get to the hospital...

ah, the situations i find myself in. he's fine now, the house is still full of oil smoke. blech
wow, that was a day with too much excitement!!

first lesson - heat the oil and fry the donuts. don't fry the oil.:D

second lesson - never, and i repeat never have to go anywhere near the gay pride parade. It will take forever to get there. I once waited for almost 2 hrs to go about 6 blocks on parade day in SF. I was working temp at a hospital that called me in because somebody else couldn't make it. i later decided they were being smart for calling off and avoiding the mess. I haven't been back to the city on parade day since. one year i would like to go to watch the parade, but otherwise i avoid it.

hey, having a yechy oily smoky house has got to be the pits. My condolences. Hope you get things back to livable soon.

Ulrik - welcome back my friend
(to the show that never ends,
come inside, come inside,
the show's about to start,
to blow your little head apart..) (ok, i couldn't resist a little Emerson, Lake and Palmer:D )

so congrats on all the new sparkly stuff!! sorry, no sympathies for all you had to go thru to get it. no pain, no gain they say:p . I still owe you an email. expect it in a day or 3. I'm still getting used to all the extra work i volunteered for being a hall moniter, er i mean Moderator;) . sounds like you were having too much fun anyway. (i know, i know, i'm a slow turd when it comes to returning emails)

I wouldn't worry about the frenchies, they are all too listless and depressed right now to cause much trouble. but you might be in trouble if they remember what you said after they sober up.:D there's a case of empties over by the kitchen door if you need something to fling back at them then.;)

oh, and the fish are doing well these days. how are yours? Have they eaten any cats lately?:p
I tried to teach it to them, showing them how it works, but they refuse to eat the cats. Then again, it would be an expensive situation, since I am sure if the fishes break the anti-war pact, the cats will start eating them again...
I am gone for teh greater part of the day and this is what happens ??? :p jeez... (this is only teh 5th thread I visited today...have a long way to :p

Someone hand me a chocolate donut please :P
My coolata is just plain without one ;)
Hi Guys, miss me?

Congrats to Ed and Admiral for their newly-appointed moderator status. But just you guys remember who keeps you lubricated....

Anyone fancy filling me in on what's been happening in the forums this last week? I can't be bothered to go through everything new. Any good gossip?

On the subject of 80s music, I put together a really stupid cut-up the other week. I found an acapella of 'Intergalactic' by the Beastie Boys, and found that it runs really well over the top of The Wizard, by Paul Hardcastle (classic 80s synth nonsense). For the Brits out there, that was the Top Of the Pops theme tune back in the day, and I found the 12" in a charity shop for 50p...

Anyway, sorry. Was anyone waiting?
Hello everyone! I've got a math exam in a couple hours and I'm just checking in to say hi. After that I've got physics on tuesday then computers on wednesday. Then I'm free and I'll be posting more!
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Ulrik - welcome back my friend
(to the show that never ends,
come inside, come inside,
the show's about to start,
to blow your little head apart..) (ok, i couldn't resist a little Emerson, Lake and Palmer:D )
There behind the glass is a real blade of grass.
Be careful as you pass, move along, move along.

Heh. Couldn't resist either...
No, that's freaking annoying. Now IE is doing the same thing.

Can we downgrade to the last version of vBulletin?

It appears that there is a significant delay between me pressing submit and the post actually showing up...

Edit: Just read the site notice. Nevermind.
We had a real thunderstorm today, more intese that I've ever seen in Norway. Some lightenings actually hit the ground only a couple of hundreds meters from our house, it was pretty exciting :)
My math exam went pretty good I think. Now I have to study for physics.

I'll post more tomorrow :). That is if my account isn't taken away
I got pretty good grades on all my finals, all low-mid 90s :)

On my English final, I got a 92 even though I should have gotten an 88, so my English teacher is a bad teacher and she can't do basic subtraction. :D
You guys are leaving? Admin has stepped down! You are free from his hand of reign!

Anyone still want to stay here? :(