Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by RacerX
So what does I guy have to do to get a milkshake around here? Or a root beer float, that would totally hit the spot! :D

Afternoon, RX!

*Peeks up from behind the bar where she was scrubbing something disgusting *

Only the finest for you :D
Mystique gets a tall glass, WASHES IT, adds a few scoops of Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Ice Creams and Pours some Henry Weinhards RB over the top and hands it to RX with a smile.

and if you bitch about the choice of ice cream OR Rootbeer you'll wear it..I'm not yet stocked up

:D How's RX today?
Busy, I've been seeing client’s systems I didn't think I was going to see until Monday. One of my clients had a death in the family so I'm rearranging my schedule for them.

Fortunately, my other clients are really cool about this, plus I have keys to most of the places so they don’t even have to come in if they don’t want to (which no one has... lonely day :( ).

Thanks for the break... and the float! Your the best!
Anytime...hope things mellow for you and that you'll stop by anytime for a chat.

Scott just sits down at the end of the bar drinking all my good beer and glares at me while I bust my butt to clean this place. Those four kids of his are running him senseless. ;)

Guess it's back to scrubbing the grime..anyone seen the bossman today? I need a quick favor from him. Must be off doing admin duties. :D

Hope your evening is pleasant, Rx :)
mystique - i think your name tag is correct now. ;)

wow, almost finished with my 2nd cup of coffee and i want more. how about a nice cinnamon hazelenut coffee to go? i'm going be running in and out of here all day i think.

oh and i just wanted to say a public thanks to smoothie, the admin over at macfora.com, for trying to help me fix the problems early this morning. it ended up having to wait til scottw could get to it, but i thought that was a real act of mac community spirit for smoothie to try to help us out. :cheers:
*Mystique wipes out the shelves under the bar itself and finds a strange looking paperback book with odd lettering on it. She can make out the words "How to Learn English in 5 Easy Minutes" on the front. "Ahh...this must belong to Herve, no wonder it's not well-used". Mystique puts the book back for safe keeping and continues to clean* ;)
Oh, COOOOOL, Ed, thanks. :D
Here is your coffee...I'll keep some in a thermos for you at your disposal. Smells good, I might help myself to a cup.

Smoothie is a good man, I'm, sure that he'd be willing to help YOU whenever possible; He thinks a lot of you and misses your presence.

Well, time to get back to work, Got a late start this morning. Feeling quite well this morning and you had a lot to do with that by giving me this job. :D

Have a good day, Ed! :D
well, just a hint - but when i first started this place i used to personally invite people that i met in other threads to drop by and check it out. you can't take it personally if they don't but it gets the word out that somebody wants to talk about more than computers and pretty soon you've made more new friends.

(and what red blooded male wouldn't follow a hot chickie baby like you where ever you asked :D )

(that's a rhetorical question ;) )
Funny you should mention that...I was sending out some PMs to some people *I* don't even know to drop by. :D We shall see what happens.

Say, I have a couple of questions about the system and why things are the way they are...where do I post those?
Do we have anyone over 21 around here? I mean, besides, you Ed who has thy hands full and Rx who left and Scott who is ignoring me today....I go the top layer of this flilt off and need a shower desperately. Where's Macluv? Someone needs to tend the bar it's getting to be Happy Hour on the east coast.

Guess we're on the Honor system...take your drink, put your money in the jar and if you don't I honor your manhood with the end of my broom. Sound fair?

I shall return.

Originally posted by mystique
Funny you should mention that...I was sending out some PMs to some people *I* don't even know to drop by. :D We shall see what happens.

Say, I have a couple of questions about the system and why things are the way they are...where do I post those?

if you're talking about the way the site works or looks, then site discussion is the place. right below this forum.

as for adults vs. minors, you're certainly allowed to card the suspicious ones until you get to know them :D the rule at herve's has always been to serve 'em whatever the age limits in their homeland allow. German teens seem to have a lot more fun in here for some reason :p
Oh, didn't see my old friends at the other end of the bar there. What's up Scott, RacerX and Ed. Fancy seeing you around these parts. :eek:
Originally posted by Klink
Oh, didn't see my old friends at the other end of the bar there. What's up Scott, RacerX and Ed. Fancy seeing you around these parts. :eek:

*Myst runs around to the front of the bar and tackles Klink off his bar stool and spills his drink and gives him a big old smooch on the cheek*

I'm SOOOOOO glad to see you!!!! :D
Yeah, it is all his fault (points at Ed)... and her fault (points at Mystique). Anyway, it is always good to see you walk into any establishment, Klink.
Performed gracefully by mystique
*Myst runs around to the front of the bar and tackles Klink off his bar stool and spills his drink and gives him a big old smooch on the cheek*


Okay, maybe not that good to see ya, but still...
ALWAYS my fault :P

Hi X-er. :) You going to have another disgusting sweet soda of some sort?

Please excuse me a moment, I need to help Klink back on his barstool, wipe him off and get him a new drink on the house. I have this tendency to get a little carried-away if you haven't noticed. :P
Originally posted by RacerX

Okay, maybe not that good to see ya, but still...


I bet Klink enjoyed it, so :P....
Lighten up, X, you need to go practice some more of that toe sucking. :D

and no, not on KLINK
Oh my...I wonder if I rendered him unconscious when he hit the floor or if he's just scared to death. I have that affect on people. I'll give him five and then start CPR.

In the meantime, I've got to mop up this mess on the floor and whomever put this country music on the jukebox will die a most painful death if it doesn't stop in the next 4 seconds.