Herve's Bar & Grill

*Klink quickly turns his face so myssy's big old smooch lands squarely on his lips*

Heh, sorry, couldn't help myself. I'm a dog. ;)

Now Racer, this goes without saying. It's always Ed's fault. :P <-- to Ed
Thanks man, it's always nice to feel welcomed.

It'd be pretty funny to find Addy strolling around here.
Originally posted by RacerX

(as my wife looks over my shoulder to see what we're talking about online)

I admit to missing a few smilies like the waving one right now.

:::WAVES::: Hi Tracer-X :D

Just our usual he gives me crap, I give it back stuff :)

( back to the smilies....ANYONE bring over the dancing fruit and I will seriously start shooting) :D
Originally posted by Klink
*Klink quickly turns his face so myssy's big old smooch lands squarely on his lips*
Heh, sorry, couldn't help myself. I'm a dog. ;)

:P at X-Man. See? SOMEONE still loves me.

You should have stayed comatose a few minutes longer, Klinkster..I was going to give you some CPR. ;)

*dances around the bar*

I cleaned you off and got you a new drink on the house...sorry for the mess, I was over-enthusiastic. :D
You give a pretty good tackle there girl. Oh this is going to be fun. :D

*Klink goes to adjust his CP for the rapid fire myssy posting mode*
What cho talkin' bout, Klinkster?

See ya later Racer/Tracer-X...Enjoy :D

And what's up with the SDJ Avatar? Was that ALWAYS you that was posting the SDJ pix all summer? For some reason I thought it was someone else? Tell me what you are drinking and while I'm getting it, tell me what it is about you and SDJ?
well, i do have my faults, but you guys aren't among them. :D

seriously, this brings back old times. now if Tolya showed up and was followed by Phil and that dlookus fellow, this would be like a time machine. except we didn't have such a good looking bartender nor ornery bartender.

*ed calls out to the rest of the old gang to stop in for a round - Ulrik, Symphinix, ksv the anarchist, googolplex, xaq, ricky, tommy.... wow, i just realized this list could be pretty long.*

on the other hand i would love to meet some of the new crowd around the site as well. this place was never meant to be exclusive.:)

back to adminning for a bit. i'll be back. (said in avery schwartzneggar voice)
Hmm Sammy, Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. Can't say much about Sammy. Let's just say I'm kickin in Rat Pack mode. Deans next. I'm not sure if I can draw the balls to be Frank yet.
Bloody Hell, Klink...tismey might know what you drink but I don't. Do I look like your Mum lately? You want beer, ale, the grape, the grain the catcus? Give me clue, darlin'. We are low, but not destitute (that's the bartender) ;) I have already forgotten what you usually drink. Seemed to be draft or some sort of fancy ale wasn't it?
Thanx, Klink :)

A guiness is exactly what I need now...

And yes, I know Klink..from ye olde days, you know

and of course, nice to meet you, mystique

I had a graphic board with your name on it ones...if that means anything to you...