Herve's Bar & Grill

Oh I'm down for real beer, hazmat. Maybe we can meet up after you get out of work, or something like that. Give me a place and time and I'm there. :)

Down to one Sun, aye? Heh, still own any Macs? *snickers*
Ed: I haven't seen the test thread yet. I've checked every time I get on macosx.com too. I posted this in the "learning the controls" thread in the mod area in case you missed it there is more detail there
Originally posted by hazmat
We should meet up for a *real* beer sometime. :)

*Mystique struts in a bit late after a long night of reconciliating with her boyfrend, hopes Edboss won't notice and hears this comment with her hawk ears...puts her hands on her hips, licks her lips and stares at Hazmat*

"What's the "Real Beer" sh*te"? You want the Jim Jones KoolAid? Herve's serves nothing but the finest.

*grumbles something about these NY snobs*

*turns her back and starts washing glasses for the day/night).
morning all. i'm just waking up so if i don't make any sense please forgive me. lat post i attempted was all scrambled. verbs for nouns, nouns for verbs, etc. :p

guess this one's ok. later.
Originally posted by JohnnyV
Ed: I haven't seen the test thread yet. I've checked every time I get on macosx.com too
Morning, BobbyC ;)

We thought you were testing the threads in my leather pants :D

More's the pity I'm not wearing them today, I wanted to see how durable they were for barkeep work. :D
Morning Edboss....guess I can't be in trouble for sleeping in since you did too. :)

Looks like your eggs aren't the only thing scrambled this morning..I vote for more coffee.

*Mystique makes a large pot of coffee for the bar*
Originally posted by Klink
Oh I'm down for real beer, hazmat. Maybe we can meet up after you get out of work, or something like that. Give me a place and time and I'm there. :)

Down to one Sun, aye? Heh, still own any Macs? *snickers*

Heh heh. The G4 867 is the only machine I use now at home. I even replaces my behemoth 19" CRT monitor with a 17" Studio Display. My roommate got a new 1 gig PowerBook, so I took advantage of the $400 discount and got the display for $599. Sweet. What a gorgeous display, too. Apple just needs to fix the screwed up text when font smoothing is enabled. I filed a bug report at the Apple developer site and they said it's a known issue and are working on it.

The SPARC 2 I haven't even set up yet. I can only get to it right now via a serial connector. And the PC I only turn on when I need something from it. :D

Cool on the beer thing. Though, if it's after work, you have to see me in a tie. :) Where are you during the day. I work down at Bowling Green.
Originally posted by mystique
*Mystique struts in a bit late after a long night of reconciliating with her boyfrend, hopes Edboss won't notice and hears this comment with her hawk ears...puts her hands on her hips, licks her lips and stares at Hazmat*

"What's the "Real Beer" sh*te"? You want the Jim Jones KoolAid? Herve's serves nothing but the finest.

*grumbles something about these NY snobs*

*turns her back and starts washing glasses for the day/night).

Meaning a beer without all the 1's and 0's. ;)
Originally posted by hazmat
Meaning a beer without all the 1's and 0's. ;)

Close your eyes and use your mind, you'll be AMAZED at what you'll conjure up.

I live in rural Oregon, I SHOULD KNOW *grumble*

Ok, Ok, you and Klink go have your "real " beer but if I DO ever make it to NY, you both owe me one or three.

Sounds like you are doing well, Hazmat...we're proud of you and keep up the good work. :D

Just the man I've been wanting to talk to!

We need to speak.;)

and it wasn't "gushy stuff" it was a statement
Besides, you wouldn't let me come to NY and ride the horses in the sleigh in the snow...so:p
BTW GUYS: Just as a warning to you all:
Today is Decemeber 1st: If you don't know what this means it means this:

Now Playing: Bing Crosby: There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays

Oh, you snuck up behind me, hazmat.
Ties don't scare me much. It's not like it's contagious for me. I've been inoculated, heh. Well, that's not completely true. I might be looking for a gig that requires a more professional appearance, tie not optional. Which brings me to answering your question of where am I during the day. I quit the studio gig about a month ago and am home most of the time (in Bayside, Queens). Thought the after work vibe would be more convenient for you.

Great, you haven't abandoned your Mac. :) And nice deal on the Cinema Display. They are good displays. I can't remember Apple making a bad one. So when are you getting your own TiBook for work? Pretty hot machine for admin types these days I'm seeing.
No, no, not ignoring. Lagging behind on the reloads, dear. What up? Oh, are you an iChatty type person? Got your addy, I'm on.

Woops, you'll probably need this....
my addy = klink287
on AIM