Herve's Bar & Grill

Ah, OK, the R3K Indigo. There are some tricks to get it to 6.3 by replacing the PROM on the board with the one from the R4K4, but this results and heavy problems since the R4K4 (or R4K, whatever you use, both should fit though only the R4K was supported IIRC) has a different coprocessor design. Theoretically, it can be done, practially the system shouldn't survive any heavy load.

I tried growfs but when I red about it on the net, I found it to risky to apply it to a running system. What I did to my Onyx2 was simple. I took the 4 GB Drive and stuck it into an Octane (same drivesled), together with a 9 GB drive I formated as XLV. I moved everything over to the 9 GB drive and stuck it back into the Onyx2 and extended this drive with four other 9 GB drives.

To provide data integrity, I move this filesystem to a back Origin Vault every night, and from there once a week onto some DVDs.

Works like a charm.

In your case you COULD use growfs, but I red to many nightmare-stories about people destroying their IRIX with it. A better way would be to mount the drive in a remote machine and move all the data with root privileges (just set the UID of the external drive to the same as the new drive, this worked for me).

The easiest way - if you ask me - is by just moving some parts of the installation to a second disk and linking them. I moved the complete /usr dir to a second HDD on my INdigo2 and made a link in the original place. As long as the second drive is fast, you won't notice any differences.

A third way would be to install one of the opensource, dynamic compression deamons to compress directories like /var and stuff which are only accessed randomly, though this is of course a large system overhead you get there.

I'd suggest moving the data to a larger hdd, it should be the most secure way.

If you dare to use growfs, please tell me if everything works afterwards...
This would be mainly for video capture using my Indy (the raw Quicktime used in 6.2 is a little on the large side). It would take much to back up most of the data off that system and reinstall everything (I could always use the practice ;) ). First I have to save up for a 9 GB drive, scsi isn’t cheap.

Sounds like a fun experiment though. :D
I used growfs a while back under Solaris and it worked great. No experience with IRIX, though. Is it UFS?
Originally posted by hazmat
Is it UFS?

Depends, I've been using EFS, but I thought about using XFS. I even have the XFS disk for 5.3. I'm not sure how it differs from UFS (meta data :confused: ).
O2 is a great machine, I got one with video module for about 350 Dollars, with R10K. Not very expensive for a machine which outperforms any current Quicksilver due to it's hardware MPEG encoding when it comes to video compositing.

A friend of mine upgraded his O2 to R12K a few weeks back, and boy, that thing RUNS in Adobe Premiere!!!

Mine comes to it's limits in Avid Illusion, but that's what I have my Onyx2 for.

I haven't booted the O2 in a while now...which is a shame, it really is a beautiful machine, but the UMA kills the textured 3D performance...it is definitely better than an Octane or Indigo2 without TRAM, but even an Indigo2 MaximumImpact with TRAM outperforms an O2+

*me hugs my InfiniteReality 2 board
Believe it or not, but people already visited me just to take a look at my SGI collection :)

I won't count the kilometres I drove for all those machine...and if I am lucky, I get one of the limited IRIS Crimsons Jurassic Classic next week :) My second working Crimson ;)

The problem is that I run out of space in my cellar. The SGIs I work with are here around me, but the "ancient" machines are in the cellar. This little museum consists of a Onyx RE2 Deskside, an Onyx RE2 Rack, a Crimson VGXT Deskside, a Power Series, a Personal IRIS, a Cray MP (wohoo!), two Indigos, an Indigo2 and an Indy...I still which I could get my hands on a Skywriter or a Twin Tower...
ken- i suppose we all have different definitions of fun. As a youth i enjoyed controlled sliding in water. doing some playing in a parking lot during my first snow got me followed home by the local law and i got a ticket for running a red light. the problem with that kind of fun is when it comes to an end. like in not being able to brake straight and running into the curb and blowing your tire. like being plowed into and the car totaled by someone else who can't stop. like spinning 180 and landing in the ditch. like sliding backa and forth across all 4 freeway lanes and being lucky not to lose total control. these are just the major ones i've experienced off the top of my head. or simply not being able to move the thing because the weight and the drive are at opposite ends. i've had way too much of that kind of winter fun for my tastes. :D
ken - that's not 'driving', that's 'goofing'. and snow and rain are a blast for goofing if you have a safe place to do it. also keep in mind that i was talking to tormente, a southern californian like i was before i moved. it's not the kind of weather you learned to drive in so the challenges are quite new. perhaps racerx has some experience with this a s well, even with front wheel drive it can be a challenge at first.
keep in mind that calif requires chains on your tires and lowers the speed limit to 25 in certain areas during snow that would make easterners laugh at what wimps we are. :p

hey guys - they're asking about your sgi's in the opinion forum :D
*Klink gets happy in the thought of not having to wear chains. After all, it's a stereotype about Italians from Brooklyn.* :D
Originally posted by Klink
*Klink gets happy in the thought of not having to wear chains. After all, it's a stereotype about Italians from Brooklyn.* :D

I didn't grow up in Crooklyn, so I don't have to wear the chains. ;)
Originally posted by Klink

Dove sono i miei fratelli? ;)

Qui, ma io non tempo parlare,
Devono andare, ritorno alcune ore. :)

Man... I need to learn more Italian! I can only understand it spoken and a little written but have a hard time writing or speaking it! How embarasing! :p :)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
keep in mind that calif requires chains on your tires and lowers the speed limit to 25 in certain areas during snow that would make easterners laugh at what wimps we are. :p

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa...............and so on for an hour or so.

:D Sorry, that is goofy...though I have to say we have alot of southerners moving into NKY that I don't think have ever seen a snowflake in real life before (just on TV). It's amazing, you see it start to flurry, 1 or two flakes a minute, and they're driving 10mph in a 55 zone.

Wed. night gave us 6" of snow...I pulled 3 people out of ditches, and drove one lady's 4wd Suburban right out in 2WD. She never even tried backing up! But she did try to drive over the tree she hit in 4wd, and couldn't figure out why she wasn't going anywhere :confused:. I remember wishing I had a Darwin award to give to her. Although the guy who drove his vette into work (same building I'm in) on Thurs. get's another nomination for the award, especially since he has a Jeep and an AWD Safari van sitting at home. He said because the jeep had a soft top it was too cold out to drive it, and his vette was in the garage all night so it was nice and warm. BTW, he's works for an insurance company and he got stuck pulling into his parking spot and the car sat there till Sat. when they could finally get it out.

I drove around for 4 hours that night out of sheer bordom, and only twice on some really steep hills (from stop signs) did I use my 4wd, which I could have probably made it without. Also took my cousin who's 16 with temps out to the vacant school parking lot so she could lean how to drive on snow. Figured better to learn there than on a street.