Herve's Bar & Grill

I hope it doesn't snow here in Provo. At least not for another week, when i get done with drivers ed. I really hope it snows during christmas week, but until then i don't want any sliding while i'm driving! :)

*sigh* what do you think makes a really good christmas? I feel lacking this year. :(
Hey, all! :D Just thought I'd stop in for a mug of cocoa.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
keep in mind that calif requires chains on your tires and lowers the speed limit to 25 in certain areas during snow that would make easterners laugh at what wimps we are. :p
Up here in Colorado Springs, the streets get iced over about twice to five times a winter, depending on our weather. Thing is, though, the city doesn't require chains. They just throw sand on the road. And Californians come here and drive above the speed limit on our iced roads anyway. :D Sad really, a lot of wrecks are caused that way.
*sighs* can an errant bartenderess make her own drink at 1030? As long as it's coffee, I guess so.

You look familiar Ricky.

Okay, is this Holiday stuff over with yet?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
well, obviously the hired help is still out, so here's your beer ulrik and your milkshake racer. :)
gosh b3s, i just assumed that when you showed up that woman of yours wouldn't be far behind. (no mysti, that isn't a joke about your behind. :D

Sheesh Ed, I really musta scared you back in June, you are tippy-toe-ing on eggshells around me ever since.:p

Sorry for the hired help being truant..not b3s fault, but you can have a word with my doctors and the hospital. Bleah. Hoping for a better diagnosis in 2003.

And I missed ulrik again. :(
It's what you are...you'd appreciate the compliment.

So, tell me something new and weird, I need some cheering up today.

You and Herve are good buddies? Maybe related? I understand you just about as well as he.

dawg = dog, most often a hound dog.but more of a slang term to imply that a man is a hound or something along those lines. it's easier to understand in context than it is to give a specific definition. but she's right ulrik, you're a dawg :D

mytsi - walking on eggshells? i thought i was skating on thin ice as usual :p

Trip - you likely won't get this at your age, i know i wouldn't have. but the secret to a good xmas is to not have any expectatiions of what a 'good' christmas should be and to find happiness in whatever any particular xmas brings. the measure of the holiday is not how much it is like the ones before ti, but rather how much you appreciate whatever happens. or more simply, enjoy what is and ignore what isn't.
Actually, Herve is my long lost, evil twin-brother, but he, his parents, my parents, all the people I know and the people I don't know deny this fact.

So I am a dog.

A dog.

Ed really must have told you more about me than I realized...


Just admit it and we'll go on from there. :P

I KNEW you were related to Herve somehow.

Would you please call your brother home?
So Herve is real? I remember seeing all his posts, but they seemed to almost unintelligible that I didn't know what to make of them.
ken - herve uses bablefish to translate his posts to english. now you should undertand the cnfusion in trying to make sense of them :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
ken - herve uses bablefish to translate his posts to english. now you should undertand the cnfusion in trying to make sense of them :D
Kinda like trying to dechiper Ed's typing. :D


Heh....I must go shower now.

*runs away*
Originally posted by JohnnyV
Send some of that snow to Ohio...:-\ we have had ver little snow this year and last year
, and I love snow!

Waah? You love snow? :eek: :p
Um, it's been pretty dry here too so far this winter. The energy prices have rose to about the double (0.10$/kWh) because almost all hydro power here is hydro based, and almost all our power was exported to other countries during summer. So now we have to import danish and swedish coal and nuclear power :rolleyes:
Get me some rain over here ;)

Trip - Let the world pass by and let all those brainwashed people around you stress themselves to death ;)
What about spending the christmas drawing the christmas how it looks like from your view? :)
You should take comfort in knowing Herve still exists on another pandimensional site with built in translators. Except he has now mastered the art of confusion to a strict science. I've left my worldly possessions to follow his teachings. I hear he's bringing his followers on a pilgrimage to mecca.... the corner Korean Deli on Broadway and 52nd. :D

Hiya ksv. *waves*