Herve's Bar & Grill

no, not bad for someone who can't draw and never took lessons. :)
actually i liked the manga face - too bad it was on lined paper. as for drawing faces and hands, might i suggest tracing as practice. either free hand with tracing paper over a photo, or with a jpg/gif and your graphire 2. and don't worry if you haven't integrated body parts, faces and bodies yet. that comes with practice. getting body proportions right is much harder and you're doing pretty good with that. the more you draw, the more second nature it becomes.

while hardly showcasing my own limited talent, here's one i did for a fellow site member some time ago for a cd mix he wanted to call "triple X".


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Yeah, I had no idea it was going to come out so good - I was just doing it for practice (my first drawing). I later recreated it on plain white paper and I wasn't as happy with it (but came out pretty good too).

I haven't drawn anything since the last picture on that page (girl at Festival - altho you can only see a hand-rail lol), I've just not been very inspired as of late and it seems I can only draw when inspired - not whenever I want. :p

I will start using the tablet eventually - I'm just not happy with the programs I have to draw with. Photoshop comes close but no - it's great for touching up pictures tho, it's WONDERFUL with the tablet! :)

And how did you get Quaduplets to pose like that for you? :eek: kidding ;)
Thanks Mystique,
I really have a hard time with stuff like faces, hair, feet and hands... but I can do a face without a body, and a body without a face - but not a body with a face! shesh! :D

I really need to get myself setup so I can work on drawings more... I miss my old studio. :(
Originally posted by mystique
The graphical smilies they put in AIM drive me CRAZY!!! I hate those things. First thing I do is turn them off, but if the other person is using them, I still get the damn things.

Lets go back to the good old days!! :P~~

I use Adium and disable graphical smilies and never see anything but ascii. Serves you right for using such a steaming pile of crap such as AIM. Do you use IE, too?!? ;-)
Originally posted by hazmat
I use Adium and disable graphical smilies and never see anything but ascii. Serves you right for using such a steaming pile of crap such as AIM. Do you use IE, too?!? ;-)

As a matter of fact, Mr Wisearse, I DID use Adium all the time and did the same thing...b3s can back me up on this. Then this wonderful *choke* ap came with Jag called iChat that I've been TRYING to use but half the time the person I'm talking to doesn't get my messages and it crashes every 6.2 minutes and causes much misunderstandings and problems.

And NO, I use Mozilla and if you don't like that, you know what they say :D (I'd never say it HERE, of course).

:waves to Ed:
Originally posted by Tormente
Thanks Mystique,
I really have a hard time with stuff like faces, hair, feet and hands... but I can do a face without a body, and a body without a face - but not a body with a face! shesh! :D

I really need to get myself setup so I can work on drawings more... I miss my old studio. :(

I was able to dig up a few of the drawings I was speaking of to show you what I meant about the no faces:


It's very amatuer and you can see they've been around a day or two *cough*, but see, I could get the body proportions so-so, but I could NOT draw a face, so they look like Children of the Damned or something! :D
very cool pix...excellent consistency on light source and shadowing...and i like the faceless look...very surreal :D
Originally posted by mystique
As a matter of fact, Mr Wisearse, I DID use Adium all the time and did the same thing...b3s can back me up on this. Then this wonderful *choke* ap came with Jag called iChat that I've been TRYING to use but half the time the person I'm talking to doesn't get my messages and it crashes every 6.2 minutes and causes much misunderstandings and problems.

My roommate insists on using IE and iChat. He'll sit there and complain about certain things in iChat not working and I will tell him that I have read all over the place that it is full of bugs, but he still uses it. Oh well....
Originally posted by mystique

And NO, I use Mozilla and if you don't like that, you know what they say :D (I'd never say it HERE, of course).

mozilla? blech...chimera, baby, chimera ;)
Originally posted by hazmat
My roommate insists on using IE and iChat. He'll sit there and complain about certain things in iChat not working and I will tell him that I have read all over the place that it is full of bugs, but he still uses it. Oh well....

ichat has a key component...it is integrated into the osx address book, which is integrated with isynch...i hate double entry bookkeeping...

that said...um, ichat's problems are becoming way to annoying...i'm hoping for an update in about 3 weeks ;)
Mornin peoples.

Amatuer, really mysti? I thought they looked quite good.

Take a peak at the stuff I do. :D


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Currently I have no use for the address book, as Motorola and/or Starfish are assholes and have absolutely no support whatsoever for me to back up my phone book from my Motorola V60c cell phone to the computer. The only software out there is for Windows. Apparently it has to do with the CDMA technology being closed or something like that. So I have no current use for the address book or the Contacts on my iPod. Real sore spot for me. I am just praying that Apple will support this phone when iSync is released. I sent feedback at the site about it, and in all the drop-down menus there, one was for what cell phone you had. And the V60c was listed. So there's hope I guess.
Originally posted by Klink
Mornin peoples.

Amatuer, really mysti? I thought they looked quite good.

Take a peak at the stuff I do. :D

wow! straight lines and everything! better than my cereal killer art ;)
Sorry I didn't respond to your PM earlier mystique,
I decided to move the OS from one drive to another (so that the larger drive can be the backup drive), so I was offline for a while and when I was done I just went to bed. Sowwy! :D :p

Anyway, those are better than mine - I can't seem to figure out shadowing yet (or fingers 'n feet :D).

I should get to drawing more.
LOL at klink's fat stick people :p

i think they show considerable creativity klink - most people just use a straight line for the body. yours are obviously wealthy and can afford to eat good. :D

nice pics mysti - those look like typical fashion desighn stuff alright. i've got my assignment of same around here somewhere. can't say that you're going to talk me into getting them out anytime soon. ;)

now to be clear to all


i'll put up with all sorts of tech talk in here, but this is a browser free safe zone :D
sorry, but i don't wake up nice. i have to spend a few hours practicing at it while i drink my coffee :D

it's actually part of the history of herve's that it arose during the time of the great mozilla debates. and a safe placce was needed to let some of us maintain our humanity with each other while viciously debating politics elsewhere.

(and hey, that was the first time i used a size code, so i just picked a big number to see how it would work. i decided that since i could read it without my glasses, it must be big enough :p )