Herve's Bar & Grill

What the heck? :(

Looking up IP number for irc.choopa.net
Found IP number: 216.32.xx.xx
Contacting server irc.choopa.net
Connection with irc.choopa.net (49368) established
*** Looking up your hostname...
*** Checking Ident
*** Found your hostname
*** No Ident response
*** Banned: abuse (2003/02/09 13.16)
*** ERROR Closing Link: peep [ peep @] (Banned)
irc.choopa.net is closing the connection
Connection with irc.choopa.net closed

Where does it get that 255.255 etc? I think I'm not the only one getting a and banned? Is that 255-thing related to Ircle?
Originally posted by chevy
EdX can you do something for that ?

sorry, nothing i can do. last i checked mine reads the same way. however it still displays corectly on the forums page birthday listings. it's definitly a bug of somekind. :p

hey, i like being that much younger myself :D
now that we're on the subject, can you make it so that replying in a reply box automatically subscribes you to the thread? that would be great
xaq- no way in he!! i don't like subscribing to threads and would never implement that feature even if i could. use the post reply button if you want to subscribe.
i didn't. scott must have run the database update or something. i hadn't even noticed it. that would explain why the site was so slow last nite for a while - during a time i desperately wanted on here to check some threads for an issue i was having. i eventually solved it myself and am going to post a thread about it soon. basicaly i was getting kernel panics from a dirty cd boot disk.
Hm, weird. You know that one "Apple sightings on TV and movies?" thread I started? It was still started by "ricky."

Hey .. give me someone more or less ideas how $$$ / h can a junior graphics / designer ask for projects /hour in NYC ... :(
dam!! i screwed around and now the price of PS elements is back up to $92 dollars before rebate. makes it about the same as the edu version. i guess i'll wait again. i should have ordered it that nite like i said i might. :(
Does gimp work in X11? apple makes it sound so easy to install and i trust it's compatibility a bit more than the others. i've actually been considering trying it but somewhat hesitant.
Ed, if you ain't going to edit really high resolution images, you could have my ColorIt 4.0 licence while you're saving up for Photoshop. It's old, and only works in Classic, but has most the features of Photoshop 6. Take a look at the demo :)

Gimp is also a good alternative :)
Should run perfectly in Apple's X11, but I still haven't found a working mirror where I can download it :confused:
ksv - thanks for the offer but i have Color It and about a half dozen such editors for classic. i want an osx tool. i use graphic converter and it works pretty good except for poor blur control. i have written the developer about this and he wrote back thanking me for the suggestion - so maybe he'll implement what i want soon and it will be just as well i didn't spend any more money :D There is also a little app called PhotoLine that works pretty well and i use it occasionally as well.

I guess i should get to work getting the icon contest together soon. :eek:
What kind of stress strategies do you have, guys? I mean, what do you do when you are nervous, anxious, depressed, angry or something between, to make you feel better?

I think some new ways to let the bad mood won't be bad to try.


Running and swimming are the fastest ways I can think about but it's 3 am here and there aren't ant swimming pools to swim in this city (too many people in the pool = can't swim) - suggest me something to try ...
i suggest you help me get x11 going and gimp, R and openoffice started up. you will feel much better about yourself after havinf done such a wonderful thing for someone else. :D

and if that doesn't work, i suggest mindless activities like watching really stupid TV shows, playing easy video games like solitaire or poker or such. anything that requires you to focus and not encourage you to think about your problems. at least that works for me. i often have to play solitaire on my mac before going to bed just to get my head to stop overthinking things.