Herve's Bar & Grill

A drink - icon set for the bar...
Absolut is missing of it ... hmmm... what else? coffee etc? :p


I can't upload mac icons here in gallery so .. if anyone wants any / some of those icons (all are mac ones) just PM and I'll email 'em. ;)
I usually order from Wing Machine (a wing place here in toronto), and there's barely anything on em.... i once at all 80 in one sitting!
I have 2 hollow legs.

Anyone want leftover LJ Silver's? Mostly fries...

Speaking of which, at the Amtrak station in Sacramento, they have a french fry vending machine. You pay for them, and the fries heat up and are ready in like 1:45. How random.
Vending machines are pretty much open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week :p

'Course it would really matter where it was located...if it's inside a place that's not open 24/7, then it wouldn't be. Amtrak stations tend to be open most of the time, though.
ok, on the topic of vending machines: has anyone ever put anything funny into one? have you ever got it to take something other then money? vending machines are very fun to mess with. you can clog up a water/pop machine with a beverage you buy from it and come back later and unclog it (it's kinda hard but...) and there will be a bunch of beverages that people bought. cut a piece of cheese to the size of a dollar and stick it in the slot... any other mean little tricks? stuff like that is interesting.
Yeah, I put my dick in one once. There was a hole and it said "What every man away from home needs". I put the money in and it sewed a button onto the head. Live and learn....
Oh, I thought you meant the Amtrak station. I don't know about that one, see my previous post about it. For here, it's open as long as you can get online.
Hmm...yeah, when I was in high school, hmmm...my sophomore year I think...I used to get some stoppers and block up the hole where change comes out. Then I'd go back later and have me lots of change :D

Unfortunately, I told some of my friends about this, who decided to try it out on one of the machines at school (I did it elsewhere). Heh, and the idiots couldn't find any stoppers, so they used paper...and even funnier was they all decided to do it to the same machine at different times. I was there when the teacher opened up the machine (the teacher actually owned it)...man it was hilarious. There was probably two feet of paper balls all stuck up in it. Heh, they all got busted too. :p