Herve's Bar & Grill

Well, I don't sleep much anymore. My sleep patterns are so mucked up after a year and a half of rotating shifts that I might be awake until sunrise one night, and then fall asleep at seven the next.

The lesson is: don't do rotating shifts. Some psychologist evaluated our workplace and decided we would all do better working two 12hour days followed by two 12 hour nights. I sincerely hope the said psychologist is in hell very soon. (Ed: This isn't an attack on psychology in general. Just the ones who think people will work more effectively if they don't see sunlight)

The advantage is you can have a fresh breakfast from the bakery on the way home. The disadvantage is that your social, romantic, family and recreational life will be over the moment you sign the contract.

Anyhow, I'll have a herbal tea, thanks guys. :-)
I did like the night shifts. But I never knew when I was supposed to be hungry. Many ate their "lunch" 2 or 4 am, but my stomach was too screwed for anything solid that hour. So coffee breaks from 10 pm to 8 or 10 am (2 shift lengths..) and a breakfast BEFORE going to work (like 8 pm) and AFTER going to home (10 am) .. and normally i had no problems going to sleep, just if I needed anything like shopping, banks etc I had to do that early (to have less queues) and then wake up anytime i happened to wake up (or with alarm at 7pm) .. as the guy I was dating that time did night shifts too, socially it wasn't a big deal. Besides it would have been possible to have one beer before going to work (only one, i tolerate badly alcohol and aren't so heavy). .. But now, I think a large Americano (umh, coffee I mean...) will be enough to wake me up. :)
Night shifts... Ugh. I couldn't stand being nocturnal. My dad had day and night shifts at the same time at one point... On top of school. I would never do that, even if I did need the money.
symphonix - sounds like some pretty shakey credentials on your 'psychologist'. because that runs contrary to everything we know about sleep patterns. people are healthiest, happiest and most productive when they have a regular & conisistent sleep schedule. alternating shifts couldn't possibly be a positive outcome in terms of the workers. no doubt an industrial/organizational psychologist - the types who spend more time studying why chairs feel comfortable than they do the people who sit in them. i think you got wanked.
I work night shift, but I'm a night person anyway. I've always had a natural tendency to fall asleep somewhere around 6 am and wake up around 4 pm.

Sometimes I think I should move to the other side of the world :p
I don't work at all:(
I will work for my dad during the summer though :)
Giaguara, where did u drive to i asked.... did i ask that? or am i just going CRAZY!?
Androo I'll tell that to you in IM (you know, i don't like to people to know where i am...). Uh the cafeine pills aren't for me, I had one yesterday and still feel crappy and dehydrated. :(

That's how a black jaguar looks close, androo. = pigmented. A curiosity,... the Mayan word for jaguar is Ix. :)
That is one cool looking cat. :-D

And Ix is also a beetleguesian word for "boy who can't adaquaetly explain what a Hrung is, or why one should choose to collapse on Beetleguese 7" (or something like that)

Anyway, Ed, you reminded me of my friend's experience with an I.T. Consultant. He came into the workplace, asked the workers for their opinions on how things could be improved, they told him all the things they'd been telling management for years. The consultant then wrote it up in a report, stating it as his own suggestion, and it was implemented immediately. There is a lesson in there somewhere for anyone who needs to deal with managers. :-)
I used to have the same problem when I was younger. Caffiene used to help me fall asleep. So much so that my mom used to let me drink a pop before going to bed. However after a few years that disappeared, and now I have a mild case of insomia :( Insomia and school don't mix very well. Man, 21 more days of high school!!! I can't wait for college :)
Caffiene has no noticable effect on me... probably because of how much I've consumed (mostly in soda). I actually can't remember what effect it had on me before.
I've actually read news stories that caffiene is more addictive than nicotine. :D And I have a soda every day now... That is so bad for my teeth.
Talking about cafeine .... I can't find Jolt anywhere. Where do they sell that? Not on supermarkets, not on small supermarkets, not even on truck stops... :eek:
Originally posted by Giaguara
Talking about cafeine .... I can't find Jolt anywhere. Where do they sell that? Not on supermarkets, not on small supermarkets, not even on truck stops... :eek:

Right. You have to go inside. ;-)

"Drinks on the house!!!"
Originally posted by hazmat
Right. You have to go inside. ;-)

"Drinks on the house!!!"


Jolt Cola contains so much caffeine it's actually illegal to sell here. So all the hardcore computer geeks get their parents to drive them to Sweden now and then to hoard jolt, red bull and coke :p
Almost everything is cheaper in Sweden too, so the Swedes are making good money on ignorant Norwegians not considering the gas costs when shopping 100 miles away :p
Wait, they sell Jolt in Sweden? hm...
I knew they did in UK but I never found it when I was looking for ... and in US I've seen it only in thinkgeek.com ... :rolleyes:
They don't sell Jolt in some parts of the states, I haven't had a jolt in over 7 years! Doesn't really matter, I hardly drink any pop nowadays, maybe one a week max
That's a good point in a way. Jolt basically tastes like Pepsi, which I hate. Too sweet and uncarbonated compared to Coke. And the only way I have found that Jolt tastes good is from glass bottles. In a can it's not bad, and in plastic bottles it's gross. Plus if you want the effect of Jolt, there's crap like Red Bull and the like that have become quite popular.

This is who now distributes Jolt, if it helps: http://www.wetplanet.com/ . Somewhere I have a whole packet of Jolt crap that Jolt sent me many years ago. Bumper sticker, CD, and more. Must look for that....
Great, site with flashing everything ... flash, pop-ups etc.

Looks like I have to stay on espressos now ...