Herve's Bar & Grill

originally posted by some German named Ulrik
So why not put up a sign on the door:

"Karaoke and MSG free since 45 pages"

Well there is a sign about the Karaoke and it says no MSG right there on the top of the menu. of course nobody reads the menu so maybe we should get a sign.:p

and the thing about pages is that they are different for everybody - displaying # of posts per page is a variable option. for instance I am on page 69 now. plus they keep changing. In a few hours i will probably be on 70:D

Tismey - i think you need to keep the bottles behind the bar. some people just don't know when not to take advantage of a good thing. I think Alex is turning into a good example of why the drinking age in the USA is 21.:p ;)

ok, i just made a big pot of plain old coffee. who else wants some?:cool:
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
ok, i just made a big pot of plain old coffee. who else wants some?:cool:

YESSSSS!!!! I ran out the other day. I got so used to the french press that I got coffee from a diner around the corner and it was so disgusting. I'm a coffee snob! :)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

Tismey - i think you need to keep the bottles behind the bar. some people just don't know when not to take advantage of a good thing. I think Alex is turning into a good example of why the drinking age in the USA is 21.:p ;)

Sorry guys!
But this law is the most stupid law in whole f$$$$$ universe!:eek: And even worse!:eek:
I'm with the eye-man on this one, 21 years? Most ppl start at 16 or below anyways.

On the other hand, he dosen't seem quite credible, keep in mind he is in the girls toilet
I was laughing at alex's misfortune of what you are going to do to him once you get your hands on him :p (homer & bart simpson moment :p).

Here let me get the first aid kit ;-)

As for sleeping on the plane... none of that for me :p I prefer to socialize with the nice looking, foreign langiage speaking, stewardesses :p

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
As for sleeping on the plane... none of that for me :p I prefer to socialize with the nice looking, foreign langiage speaking, stewardesses :p


Why? There are plenty of them once you arrive. :)
i'll take a cup of coffee Ed, thanks. Our dining hall here somehow manages to destroy even coffee. I think they burn it or something, if that's possible.

I haven't flown anywhere for a while, and every time I do my parents are present, so I'm unable to flirt with or even look at any females.

Silly mom & dad
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
and the thing about pages is that they are different for everybody - displaying # of posts per page is a variable option. for instance I am on page 69 now. plus they keep changing. In a few hours i will probably be on 70:D

i'm on page 18 right now and i thought THAT was alot! :)

ed, i'll take some of that coffee... here's my special instructions though...

fill 1/2 of the cup with coffee
fill 1/2 of the cup with milk
insert 4 (count 'em 4!!!) sugars
stir well

that'll do the trick... it tastes good to me, but after a big cup of it, it starts to taste nasty...
Originally posted by AdmiralAK

As for sleeping on the plane... none of that for me :p

Look, there are 2 kinds of sleep. The one you do at night which is OK, and the kind you get at a plane or a bus which is heaven. Seriously, busses and planes are the only 2 places where I really sleep well.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Tismey - i think you need to keep the bottles behind the bar. some people just don't know when not to take advantage of a good thing. I think Alex is turning into a good example of why the drinking age in the USA is 21.:p ;)

I thought I'd been quite careful. In fact, I'm not sure that bottle is the brand we carry here, so mebbe he smuggled it in.

Does anyone fancy getting alex out of the Ladies before he frightens off the few females who do actually visit us here?
*Takes a good grip around Alexanderts feet and drags him out of the ladies room*

There, he was kicking and screaming, biting and scratching, but I finally got him out of there.

*Turns around*

It's OK now, ladies, the bad man is out
*Saunters in. Looks around. Thinks nobody is looking, and proceeds to fix his underwear.

Walks to bar. Orders drink.*
Ever tried sleeping on a train? Those are the best sleeps, but you gotta get a bed. Those chairs aren't comfy.
It does not matter where you are as long as you have something like a fan going... that noise puts me right to sleep.


I guess I would call it "white noise" ?

lol... i don't feel comfortable ANYWHERE else but my bed...

and ed, when's that coffee comin?!

ed... where's ed?!
sorry, i realized that one pot wasn't going to go all the way around so i had to run to the store and get more. 3 cans of Columbian and one Hawaiian blend - stocked up since they were half price. Also needed to get more purified water to make it with. Stopped by the bank and deposited all the profits from Herve's and then talked to my son in oHIo for almost an hour when i got home. Pretty exciting, he is trying out for the school baseball team and survived the first round of cuts. And his worst grades this report card were 2 c's. I'm a proud father.

So here is the coffee for anybody who didn't get some from the first pot. BB, I just make the coffee, gotta fix it like you like it for youself. ;)


I can remember that after living in the back of my van for about 6 mos i couldn't go to sleep in a real bed for quite some time. sleeping on couches for awhile helped me transition. now i have a hard time if it's not a water bed or an air mattress. Boy, am i spoiled!!:D