mac shaman
originally posted by some German named Ulrik
So why not put up a sign on the door:
"Karaoke and MSG free since 45 pages"
Well there is a sign about the Karaoke and it says no MSG right there on the top of the menu. of course nobody reads the menu so maybe we should get a sign.
and the thing about pages is that they are different for everybody - displaying # of posts per page is a variable option. for instance I am on page 69 now. plus they keep changing. In a few hours i will probably be on 70
Tismey - i think you need to keep the bottles behind the bar. some people just don't know when not to take advantage of a good thing. I think Alex is turning into a good example of why the drinking age in the USA is 21.
ok, i just made a big pot of plain old coffee. who else wants some?