Herve's Bar & Grill

I regularly fall a sleep in the chair in front of my Mac...seriously! I mean, at the moment it is exactly 03:15 over here...at night. So I tend to just drop to sleep in front of my Mac...sometimes I even make it into my bed...the best night I ever spent was in a small tent in munich, during a heavy storm, with my ex girlfriend. I won't go into any closer details since we have younger audience here ;)
Basically, I love sleeping in a tent, especially when nature around you goes crazy...
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

You don't have to shout, Ed, I'm right next to you.... :rolleyes:
I've never had a chair comfortable enough to sleep in, but in front of my Mac there's a nice couch...and behind that, my bed, so I tend to make it there.

If there is one single place I can not sleep, it's in a tent. Seriously, even if I were to put it up in my own bed, there'd be a big rock under my head. There's always a big rock under my head.

And when do try to sleep in a tent I have to lie there awake looking at 2 other ppl who sleep very comfortably, that just makes me jealous.
rotate 180°->rock under head gone->rock now under feet->rock under feet doesn't count->deep sleep

see, it's that easy...
voice - when i said that i need an air mattress, that is for in the tent. no rocks, twigs, etc. It's almost as soft as the waterbed at home. and i sleep wonderfully. Taking a nice foam pillow is good too. If it weren't for the light and morning heat i would spend half the day there because i am like Ulrik, i love sleeping out in nature. It just feels good somehow. :)

sorry about that last bit of shouting, Ulrik. I hadn't noticed you walk across the room. this is much better.:cool:
I like sleeping in a frigid room with a many blankets as I can get. I throw my sleeping bafg on top just for added weight. Cold air, sleeping bags, is this camping?:D
no Phil, that's the way my grandparents slept.:p

I understand they got used to it back before modern heating and all, but what on earth possesses you to do this? Doesn't your face (particularly nose and ears) get too cold for comfort?:confused:
I just like a lot of weight in blankets on top of me when i sleep. Not sure why, does this point to some subconscious insecurties? I think the cold room is just my way of making up for that many blankets. No, my face doesn't get cold, I;d like to think that i was specifically built with northeast winters in mind.;)
i like it when my room's COLD and i am snug in my bed... that's at HOME! i can't go camping... tried it, but went back home that nite since it was so cold (around 10 degrees)

ed, sorry... i forgot i had to make it myself.... it must be the music giving me problems with thought...

(loud bass thumping the whole building... while my head is on the table shaking uncontrollably)

Phil, I can relate to liking a lot of blankets. I have to have at least the weight of a comforter to be comfortable. And I want the room to be just cool enough to make it a cozy temperature under that comforter. I can handle it when it gets to 2 comforter temp in the room but after that, forget it. the heat is getting turned on at that point. I also like throwing my famous robe down at the bottom so that my feet always have extra warmth. So basically, anytime the room falls below the 60's, i want heat. of course the water bed is heated as well so i guess that would be about the same as your pile of blankys.:D

boy, this is a strange conversation even for me:p

(everybody duck - BlingBling is having one of his hormonal moments. maybe coffee wasn't such a good idea for him this late at nite:p )
mmmm all this talk about beds is making me hungry.... no... tired.... it's making me tired. Maybe I'll sleep. In fact, I think I will. Goodnight everyone!

"seems I'm waiting years for this day to end"
- VNV Nation
I love having it really cold in my bedroom. Around +5-10°C is perfect. In other words, I sleep better in the winter than in the summer...
In Norway we also have something called "dyner" (en dyne-dynen-to dyner-dynene :p), it's some kind of feather bags we sleep under to keep warm, especially in the winter. Then waking up with the room ice cold, when it's around 30°C under the dyne, aah... ;)

My "mac chair" is way too uncomfy to fall asleep in, BTW :rolleyes:
Originally posted by voice-
Warm dyne in a cold room...could life be any sweeter than that?

Aren't americans and other europeans lame? They use lakener instead of dyner! OMG! :D
what a bunch of complainers :p
ok I will tone it down a little ;-)

I left it like that cause I was on a leave of absence :p

Tismey, cold ice coffee and baileys on the double!.. racer, the usual choco-pastry :p

bling bling, come here, I got a shopt for you to control your hormonal moments :p
Originally posted by AdmiralAK

As for sleeping on the plane... none of that for me :p I prefer to socialize with the nice looking, foreign langiage speaking, stewardesses :p

Could have been my thought! :p :rolleyes: :cool: :p :p :p
*wakes up in tent at -25C - proceeds to bar, yawning*

Is this bar by invitiation only, or what?

Cover charge?

If you need someone to vouch for me, somebody once told me that I was only 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon, ya know. How many of you cansay THAT!????:p ;)

Coffee, please. Black.
There was never any actor who I couldn't link to Kevin Bacon in less than 6 steps. I'm a bit out of practice though.
So does that mean that I am allowed in your esteemed establishment [snicker snicker]?

Barkeep! Start me a tab, and buy a round for the house.

Sleeping in beds other than you own is the best [not like that , perverts]. It's usually a great sleep and then you have that moment of "where the hell am I" when you wake up.