Forced retirement ?! what in God's green earth are you guys talking about ?! I still feel 21....hey I am 21

(if you guys pay me a nice pension I might retire

Ed you beast you have more than 2200 post

mein Gott! are coming up really fast!
so, tismey you know the drill, coffee and bailey per piacere. Bring out a round for Ed and Racer while you are at it on my Tab.
Today I need to go to the post office and mail my mystery mix

... I also need to mail my german friend. If she is in Berlin in july I might go visit her for a week before I go to greece ... what do you guys think ? Good idea ?
Oh while I am at it, anyone know any good hashMap source code (written in ANSI C). My professor has given us the option to use any implementation we want (or make our own

) --- Today I renew my quest on finding that C bible book
Tonite, big phat party at herve's all of you are invited, bring your dance shoes with you ... and jadey, bring over cyan too, Herve's needs a maskot ;-)
-DJ @ Herve's
-Managing Director of Herve's
-In charge of OS affairs @ Herve's(lol
