Herve's Bar & Grill

lol herve's mind is going to dirty places :p
I am sure she doesnt want my underwear herve :p

I am sure to get you something very imaginative J when I come back I will USPS it to you :p
Cripes! You can see my face on this thing?!

Ulrik, did you forget to tell jbartlett about the inscreen cameras that apple has been hiding in recent models?

jbartlett - so what does the j stand for? Jane? Jenny? Julie? Jolly? Jaunty? Java?

so klink, when the other kids said "if i looked like you i would shave my ass and walk backwards", you took them seriously, eh?:p

secret to not being reached on cell phone - turn it off except to call out. :D
Originally posted by jbartlett
If your underwear were cute and it fit me I might want it.

:eek: Am I in the right thread?

What kind of establishment is this place anyway? :confused:
RacerX, that is a weak attempt t being shocked. we can all look at your avatar and see that devilish grin even with the mask on:D

besides if a woman can't come in the bar and flirt, what kind of bar would it be?

of course Tolya's underwear is a pretty weird thing to want, but who am i to criticize other people's fetishes? I just hope Tolya would wash them first:p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

Ulrik, did you forget to tell jbartlett about the inscreen cameras that apple has been hiding in recent models?

Good work, Ed. no. GREAT WORK! Walk around! Tell our little secret! YELL IT INTO THE STREETS DAMNIT...sheesh :rolleyes:
i like ed's idea of turning the img code on... just for this forum at least...

jbartlett... you live in Notre Dame, IN? Where is that? I used to live near Terre Haute, IN (if you know where that is...)
Hey, BlingBling, just noticed your new sig...don't tell me you really had to drop the new iMac and you have to stick with the PC?
yes i had to drop the iMac and stick with the PC... but i am re-thinking my decision and probably purchasing a PowerMac Dual GHz with Cinema Display sometime near August
lol I think J is putting the moves on me :p
well if you like clean briefs, they are yours J :p

tismey! coffee, black, cold, frappe please (lol I sound like I am talking to a replicator)
