Interview the person beneath you

On work I drink almost 1.5l and at home it's 1l. So, 2.5l a day. I think it's a good value.

What kind of tea do you prefer the most?
No, it didn't.

What is the main problem about MacOS? and i don't mean that not enough people use it. is there anything that bites you everytime?
If you are talking about Classic, I would have to say the lack of preemptive multitasking and threading. Other than that, I really don't have a problem with it. I've been used to the spatial view for a while on Classic, and I'm handling it fine under GNOME. As for Mac OS X, there is none right now that I can think of...unless you consider the fact that Apple keeps obsoleting machines with almost every other release... :(

As for the hardware, PLEASE give us a two button mouse option direct from Apple... :p

What is the oldest Apple machine you have running Mac OS X?
Gosh, It would have been about 1990 - my Mom got a Mac Classic. I remember there were some pretty cool games on it, though I couldn't tell you what they were.

Before that, my Dad got an Apple ][e in 1983. Pretty hot stuff - I remember copying out Basic code from InCider magazine, so I could play snakes...

What piece of now dead technology - excluding now-obsolete computers - do you most wish they still made?

Sinclair C5 - what with the US not signing up to the Kyoto Treaty, every American should have his or her car confiscated and melted down, then be issued with a Sinclair C5 instead. :D

According to Prof James Lovelock, author of The Gaia Theory, the burning of fossil fuel will eventually destroy the Earth and therefore advocates its replacement with nuclear power - obviously not the perfect solution, but the lesser of two evils. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and why?
I feel that nuclear power is clearly only the lesser of two evils. While it is important that we discourage the propagation of fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses, it is equally, if not more so, important that we find a truly renewable energy source which is also clean and safe. Clearly, this is a utopic vision at the moment, though that may not always be the case. Until then, I feel that it is our duty to do whatever we can to decrease greenhouse gasses and, along with them, global warming.

Do you feel that there are certain genres of writing which are totally undeserving of the name 'literature'? In other words, might one consider modern-day 'chick literature' as seriously as the commonly held literary classics, or is it inherently inferior? Where is the line drawn - if it is drawn at all?
A. Literature, as with all other artistic endeavours, should be expansive and therefore it exists outside the narrow subjective critique that a single individual like myself can give to it. However, it has been made quite clear by this thread alone, that the finest literary works are to be found on computer user forums (and of course the walls of public urinals and the 'fore mentioned "chick literature").

Q. Cheap tinned spaghetti.... shapes or hoops?
A: Hoops. Shapes tend to mess with the universal pasta-to-sauce ratio, thereby destroying a quick and easy meal by creating a realignment of... yeah, anyway, hoops.

Q: What finger do you trackpad with most?
Until questions start repeating themselves... and even then, the newcomers to the site will take over and post new questions, and the oldtimers will jump back in, and, yeah... just a vicious cycle of nonsense! ;)

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
In my younger days I once made 34 hours. Now I am completely messed when I miss one night of my regular sleep.

Do you believe in beauty-sleep?
No, I am beautiful 24/7, so my mummy tells me.

How many fingers can you put in your mouth -as far as the tonsils, without choking, at once?
Depends on what I'm doing. Given the option all the time though, I may as well have two.

Best cartoon of all time?