Unofficial Mac Genius
... there IS a simple way to "turn off" the dock.
Download TinkerTool like I suggested in my last post. Then set it to be at the top of the screen. Then hide it.
Cleverly, Apple realized that the dock would impede the menu bar if the auto-unhiding were to function while the dock is at the top of the screen. So guess what?? While the dock's at the top, and while you have it hidden, it NEVER comes out! You can position your mouse anywhere in the menu bar and it never comes out. To boot, if you DO want to access it. Just unhide it via Command-Option-D.
Doesn't that just ROCK? Although the dock is still active. And combined with Quitling which is basically the Application Menu from OS 9 resurrected for Mac OS X, OS X is even more like OS 9 -- no dock and an application switcher menu!
Clever that Apple thought to disable unhiding while the Dock's at the top of the screen. I think I like it like this.
Oh, I should add... the trash won't show up. And TinkerTool can no longer show the trash on the desktop. But don't fret. I have another sweet goodie up my sleeve:
If you plan on using this "No Dock" trick, you can 1) un-hide the dock when you want to access the trash just by pressing Command-Option-D, or and this I love, 2) add it to your Finder window toolbars. How you say? Easy. Make the dock visible. Click on the trash icon. Now you see the Trash window. See the title bar of the window where it has a mini trash icon and the word "Trash"? Click and hold on the Trash icon. It will highlight, and you will be able to drag the icon/name from the title bar. Just drag it into your Finder toolbar and voil.. you've got the Trash right in each and every window. There's one small problem with this. The icon of the trash won't update when something is added to the trash or when the trash is emptied... however when you create a new Finder window, the trash will be checked and the icon will display accordingly. So you might have two Finder windows... one where the trash is full, and one where the trash is empty. This is a minor inconvenience, though, and maybe someone can make a utility to force those icons to autoupdate.
Have fun you dock haters!
I love the dock, but having it as an addition rather than a requirement is much nicer. 
Download TinkerTool like I suggested in my last post. Then set it to be at the top of the screen. Then hide it.
Cleverly, Apple realized that the dock would impede the menu bar if the auto-unhiding were to function while the dock is at the top of the screen. So guess what?? While the dock's at the top, and while you have it hidden, it NEVER comes out! You can position your mouse anywhere in the menu bar and it never comes out. To boot, if you DO want to access it. Just unhide it via Command-Option-D.
Doesn't that just ROCK? Although the dock is still active. And combined with Quitling which is basically the Application Menu from OS 9 resurrected for Mac OS X, OS X is even more like OS 9 -- no dock and an application switcher menu!
Clever that Apple thought to disable unhiding while the Dock's at the top of the screen. I think I like it like this.

Oh, I should add... the trash won't show up. And TinkerTool can no longer show the trash on the desktop. But don't fret. I have another sweet goodie up my sleeve:
If you plan on using this "No Dock" trick, you can 1) un-hide the dock when you want to access the trash just by pressing Command-Option-D, or and this I love, 2) add it to your Finder window toolbars. How you say? Easy. Make the dock visible. Click on the trash icon. Now you see the Trash window. See the title bar of the window where it has a mini trash icon and the word "Trash"? Click and hold on the Trash icon. It will highlight, and you will be able to drag the icon/name from the title bar. Just drag it into your Finder toolbar and voil.. you've got the Trash right in each and every window. There's one small problem with this. The icon of the trash won't update when something is added to the trash or when the trash is emptied... however when you create a new Finder window, the trash will be checked and the icon will display accordingly. So you might have two Finder windows... one where the trash is full, and one where the trash is empty. This is a minor inconvenience, though, and maybe someone can make a utility to force those icons to autoupdate.
Have fun you dock haters!