Jan 24th predictions / 20th Anniversary.

Well, like, I had this dream Saturday night, and I was on MacRumors. The first article said:
So there. It's coming Wednesday. :)
I seriously did have this dream... I'm such a geek.
But what about tomorrow? Apple usually rolls stuff out on Tuesdays. This would be a big let down to me, at least, if there wasn't a new G5 to seriously consider buying.
From Maury McCown at Railheaddesign;

News From Apple Tomorrow
Tomorrow promises to be a “big” day for Apple, so get your credit card balances down and your paychecks deposited…

He's usually close with this stuff.
OK, well, lets see what goes on tomorrow. This could be brilliant marketing by Apple. Steve gets us all hyped up with clues and hints and then brings out nothing. Then hits us with a new product, or a refresh, on a normal Tuesday release, but still manages to surprise us all and get us all riled up into a bigger fury.

Well, that's my hope at least. ;)
or... "i celebrated Apple's 20th birthday, and all i got was this lousy security update" and then on the front or on the back it has the description of the update...
Studio Zero said:
I want a t-shirt that reads: "I supported the Mac for 20 years and all I got was this lousy security update."

I would pay for that, then my ego would forbid me from wearing it.
The PowerMacs are still in for an update. Be it on the birthday (not, obviously) or a tad later.
Well, again, its still early in the day. Its only 7:15 central time, so it's only 5:15am where Apple is located.

I do like how they mix up the times though. Sometimes its been posted before the business day, sometimes right at open, sometimes around lunch. Gotta keep the people coming back for more!
i keep on forgetting that it is early in the morning over there... lets hope they release something today.

pippin, the time in the uk is 9 hours later California... or well, they are 9 hours behind.
If they dont... I will be one very unhappy customer, as im looking to get a new G5 as the others are wailing behing a wee bit now, except for the two dual beasts. The 1.6 had its few mins after it was reliced. well...im ranting, sorry.
But i hope the do something, even something to do with 802.15.3 wireless would be nice....ohhh.....
Pippin said:
If they dont... I will be one very unhappy customer, as im looking to get a new G5 as the others are wailing behing a wee bit now, except for the two dual beasts. The 1.6 had its few mins after it was reliced. well...im ranting, sorry.
But i hope the do something, even something to do with 802.15.3 wireless would be nice....ohhh.....

yes! how about wireless at 108Mbps like Netgear!