Jason's Daily Pic Thread! (Big pictures - not 56k modem friendly)

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And a cold morning...


Shutter: 1/600th sec. | Aperature: f4.0

Took this panoramic yesterday of a big wide open field at Lark Farm Park.

Chevy, that last pic of the cold morning is beautiful! I get a good feeling of how huge those mountains really are.
Squire's Castle:

A view of the outside of this old Castle that used to be a the house of a wealthy oil guy named Squire. Most of the castle is in disrepair, the roof is long since gone and the upper floors have collapsed but it's still a really cool, atmospheric place to be, especially at night when you can light a fire in the fireplace if you want. Unfortunately, this place gets overrun by geeky goth kids at night who run around thinking they're Nosferatu.

From the inside looking out:


I thought "Squire" was a title. Odd that a man named "Squire" would have a castle.

Cool pictures. If the geeky Goth kids start bugging you, just pull out a guitar, long-haired wig and a tie-dyed T-shirt and start singing old 60's folk songs.
Yeah, I figured that would be his last name, I just think it's an odd name regardless. The Squire's castle... From www.m-w.com:
Main Entry: 1squire
Pronunciation: 'skwIr
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English squier, from Old French esquier -- more at ESQUIRE
Date: 13th century
1 : a shield bearer or armor bearer of a knight
2 a : a male attendant especially on a great personage b : a man who devotedly attends a lady : GALLANT
3 a : a member of the British gentry ranking below a knight and above a gentleman b : an owner of a country estate; especially : the principal landowner in a village or district c (1) : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (2) : LAWYER (3) : JUDGE
- squir·ish /'skwIr-ish/ adjective
So a squire could at least be a member of a castle, if not the owner.

How many castles are there in the States, anyway? I bet they'd be hard to wire for a LAN... :)
I just imported this, so nothing has been edited...sorry. Anyway, I just landed a frontside bluntslide (where your wheels and tail slide). It's scarier than heck, but tell me what you think:


  • bluntslide!.jpg
    34.4 KB · Views: 21
where's ricky? the last time i saw him he got angry at me and said he'd block me....
He'd have an ipod!