Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

actually, there is a pic of the real me to be found by googling. but you have to use my real name and not my aka. it is circa mid 1990's. look for ed what's his name. :D
Was that photo in Columbus.. in 1996.. after having sold a couple dozen of the $10 shirts during the lunch hour? :p
If it's copyrighted, and it appears that it is, then I don't think it can be posted. A link could be made to it, but Ed did give all the info needed for a goggle.
Nahhhhh, those are old pics. We want some fresh and new ones. Come on Ed, why did you spend so much money on a new digicam? Now there is a great opportunity to use it ;) Any hey Arden, when will you get your hands on a cam as well?
Last but not least: how long does it take you, Gia to clean your room??
I cleaned it today .. I'll need to put the batteries on tomorrow. Now I can say I cant be on my mac online till I'm back home, so I will post it within the next 10 days in any case. I will as well try to make some photos in Scotland. Do we have any members around Glasgow, Paisley, Largs..? :D

It was Ed's gf who bought him the camera I think.

Arden.. you too. Fresh pictures of you and your girl.. ;)
I have a digicam (the one I used for the MWSF pictures) but it won't recognize any of the CF cards... but perhaps I'll scan some prints. Better than nothing, no?

I haven't really changed much in the last, oh, 6 or 8 months since I posted my pictures... the only thing that really changes is the length of the hair on my head and on my face. I'm guessing not much changes (or has changed) about Ed either... who knows, though, he may have gotten a sex change operation or something. :D ::ha::
10 days are over Gia... :D
And Ed, don't pretend you are not logged. You gotta paste some fresh pics as well. Come on guys and gals! Post pics
no amount of prodding is going to get a new pic out of me before i have one i want to share. i have neither the time nor the energy to go and take one just for this. i assure you i haven't changed that much from my previous pics.