LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

Kaylee is Jerry's girlfriend. That is all we can say at this time.:D ;)

Questions? Ummm, what is the longest thing you have ever read... beside maybe a Windows manual.:D

We put the little guy in you dressing room. We have a matching outfit for you to wear... if that is cool with you of course.
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Kaylee is Jerry's girlfriend. That is all we can say at this time.:D ;)

Questions? Ummm, what is the longest thing you have ever read... beside maybe a Windows manual.:D

We put the little guy in you dressing room. We have a matching outfit for you to wear... if that is cool with you of course.

1. some sweedish (translated to romanian) story about a kid who got cursed to be very small and understand animal talk. then he went on the neck of a few tame geese who decided to go wild and this took him (while on the back of the geese) through different adventures around the world for about a year i think. i can't remember what happened until the end, but it is one of the best book i read, it had around 2000 pages i think. it took me 1 year and a half to read it and i read it when i was 5 or 6 years old. (my parents forced me to read before i even entered kindergarden)

2. no it's not ok. i want the midget dressed in traditional german national uniform! and i want the midget on stage. he will perform for us, while we feast on the large chicken i stole from hervés bar and grill.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six... good book... close to what... 800 pages? I cant remember.

Fine he can perform... but we dont have a german suit on hand... so give up a few minutes and we will send for one.
Are you really going to read that XP book? Learn XP is 99 days. ! Learn Windows XP in 2-5 years....

Golf Golf Golf Golf.... HEY... does anyone here golf? (question not for you rick!)
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
I might browse through it. There is probably a lot I can skip.

Ye HA! Golf today.!

You can skip most of that crap, unless you want to teach windows for a living :( !

Golf... I am glad we are done for now. I will enjoy a week of no golf.
Yes. You know the show is going to hell when the hosts have the attention-span of babies.
HEY! This is our show, may I remind you. We will constantly add stupid crap you dont care about.

Now then, do you want to continue or not.
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
Yes... lets continue.

Have you ever hit a skunk while driving?

I think if I was driving, THAT would have been the more important problem - let me just put it that way.
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
VRROOMM..... SCCREEECHH! "HOLY SH*T!" THUMP... THUMP! Weeeeee... "Hey ma! I found dinner!"

Only in West Virginia... or Virginia... one of those states :) When we drove through those states, there was not one dead animal on the road. :) I think the Natives eat it. (or they have really good clean up crews working 24-7)
That skweeky noise is back in full force in my Ford Taraus. Its because of the weather... and now the brakes are making funny noises, not too serious. I love my car. Evven though it wont be getting much use in the coming weeks. :: sigh ::
I will drive you places buddy. Where is my new car? they are late. They said it would be here last week. How much would you pay for my crap mobile? my dad we start selling it for $1500.
1500? You think so? I dont know about that "buddy". It is pretty crappy. Does the screwdriver come with it? :D

Yeah... youll take me places. Thats funny! Good one there slick! I would be calling everyday asking for a ride. No, I dont think that will be happening!
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
1500? You think so? I dont know about that "buddy". It is pretty crappy. Does the screwdriver come with it?

sure... I'll add in the screwdriver for free! (I have to use a screw driver to start my car) The car is not really crappy. it runs great. and it is fast.
You could sell it for parts! But I know that Ken wont buy it for 1500. Thats nuts, I dont think anyone will. You should lower the price if you want to get rid of it.

Anyways... where did our little dude go. Not the miget the other loser.