Mac OS X "Mountain Lion"


U.S.D.A. Prime
The next-gen OS X desktop is coming this Summer:

I dunno 'bout yous guys, but it's looking pretty sharp to me. Time to ditch Growl in favor of the Notification Center, and Messages looks like a viable, cross-device solution for chatting and FaceTime-ing (which my family does a whole bunch of).

Gotta see how Reminders stacks up against the likes of Cultured Code's Things -- probably not a total replacement, but some integration would be nice (until Things can get their cloud-sync system out of beta).

I know it's only a teaser from Apple at this point, but from the screenshots on the page linked above, how do I log out using the GUI? It looks like the user account logout menu item was replaced with the Notifications thing.

As always, I can't wait. I know there will be some that rail against the iOS-inspired look and feel, and others that may exclaim, "I don't want my Mac to work like my iPad!", but I, for one, welcome our App Store-inspired overlords.
The only complaint I have so far is the name. Mountain lion = cougar = puma.
And 10.1 was Puma, so 10.8 = 10.1?
Other than that, looks cool :)
All they show are laptop/portable devices (and a Thunderbolt monitor) -- the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, specifically.

I wouldn't take that to mean that they're dropping the Mac mini or iMac, though.
Bill the Cat!111!!


I think it would be awesome. . . .


P.S. I hope this will "look" better than Lion.
Okay, I "don't wike" Lion and just assumed that I would have to eventually accept it when programs I NEED become compatible with it.


But now ML is coming out--soon?

So . . . anyone know if I can upgrade from my current SL to ML directly? It is not a major problem if I cannot--I still have my Lion Recovery Partition so I can upgrade SL to Lion at any time. I just have "not wanna'd."

Should be able to. You've been able to do this with just about every Mac OS X release thus far, save for one version or so (maybe Tiger wouldn't let you do an "upgrade" install from Jaguar or something).