Originally posted by azosx
It sounds like I touched a nerve with SimX. I wasn't trolling, everything I said was true. I'm experiencing it right now with my Mac.
Office v.X cost me around $400, Adobe Photoshop 7 another $500, it's been an expensive month.
And no, I would have not been able to open all my Windows files and documents "seemlessly" without these purchases. It's funny how Apple neglects to mention the notion that additional software may be required.
Apple really shafted some people this time around. Their switch campaign should now be renamed to "bait & switch" because esentially that's what they've done, especially with their migration to .mac.
Many will switch to a Mac from PC then realize the initial investment was just one of many that it's going to take to get their new Mac in line with their old PC.
They sold everyone on the idea that the .mac email would be free, forever, getting you to use iTools and becoming dependent on it. Now they are taking it all away from you unless you're willing to fork over $100 anually. That's a lot of cash for very little substinance.
It's called bait & switch. MS and Yahoo did it as well with their email services. The only difference is they continue to offer free basic services.
It's not going to affect me because I never used iTools. But I sincerely feel for all those who are going to have to change their email and find a new solution. What a terrible inconvience is will likely be.
Yes, and Apple is the first company to give away services and then charge for them. I've been reading your posts for weeks now and am amused, if not shocked, at how you preach your awareness of "the real world" and "how capitalism works" in some posts, and then go and defy all of that with a few inane remarks.
Just two words for you as an example: Net Zero. Ever heard of them? AOL. You know this company? Companies changing their policies is a practice that has been around since there have been companies. You are the prototypical basher who pretends to own a Mac and be part of the group, yet every statement that makes it onto this forum is contradictory to that. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if you are a PAID basher, and this is why I think so:
1) You induce just the right amount of empathy, or camraderie in this community, but then take every single opportunity to bash Apple and all Mac products.
2) Your command (and I use that term loosely) of the English language approaches the high school level, and that's par for the course for basher-speak.
3) Every single one of your posts is a reply to somebody else's. The true basher has nothing substantive (notice the spelling, you troll) to add to a forum, but rather is compelled to tee off on what everybody else says.
Having said that, I'm not happy with having to pay for .mac email, but then again I don't use it. I think it's a slap in the face to a lot of devoted Mac users, and is really appalling timing given the "Switch" campaign.
Hey, why not just be happy that you have your crappy little plastic beige Windows box with all that blazing processing speed? Never mind that it's all for naught if you can't form two complete sentences, and that working in Windows is as much fun as, well, working in Windows.